How To Use An Anal Vibrator
You can’t insert things into your anal cavity without guidance, as you might have serious injuries or infections. Learn simple tips on using an anal vibrator to enhance your sex life, either solo or with a partner.
Anal vibrators are the most powerful adult masturbators. They can be used alone or with a partner. Some people still think anal sex is only pleasurable to men since it stimulates the prostate. However, with the use of anal vibrators, anyone can be stimulated. It is usually slim, and features flared base. With an anal vibrator, orgasm is taken to the next level, arousing you sexually and enhancing good memorable sex. Do you want to try out anal vibrators with your partner? Here is a guide on going about it and adding a new stimulation level to your sex life.
Rules of Using Anal Vibrators
There is no specific rule on how to use an anal vibrator. However, some rules are written to prevent injuries. Usually, the rules are unwritten and need to be followed for safety and comfort while having fun. They include:
Make your partner understand your interest and know how they feel about it. Regardless of how you approach the issue, make sure you poke her bottom to a very consensual and exciting anal sex.
Use Sex Toys Only
You might be in the mood to have the play, but your partner is not around. Don't use anything else apart from anal sex toys to avoid complications and injuries.
Know what the Anus Does
When you place something in your anal cavity, it contracts and pulls things inside. Therefore, avoid inserting everything in your anus, especially every bead that you come across and items without a flared base.
How to Use Anal Vibrators
Humans have genital parts that connect with blood vessels and nerve endings. The anus reacts to tingles of sensation around the area, causing extreme orgasms.
In addition to that, the prostate gland, located below the rectum, is a wonderful spot for touch orgasm since it enhances powerful orgasm. So relax and have fun because anal sex is not an indication of being doomed or a sexual pervert or deviant.
Clean the Anal Vibrators
Breeching the subject of cleanliness shows great concern to people who use the anal vibrator. Many people forget to mention how they are cleaned when talking about anal vibrators or anal toys. It would be best if you kept in mind the following tips.
Ensure that your bowel is empty at the time of the play.
Before the anal play, you can use the anal douche or the mini enema.
You can put a condom on your vibrator, penis, or anal vibrator.
For quick cleaning, keep personal wipes near.
Use the Right Type of Lubricant
The anus does not provide a natural lubricant like the vagina, so use lubricants. Proper lubrication will make the anal play comfortable without painful frictions or tears and cuts. It is also important to ensure that the lube you apply is enough.
Using the right lube means that the lubricant must be compatible with your toy. If you are using a silicone anal vibrator, avoid using silicone lubricant; instead, use water-based lubricant. This will help avoid the toys’ material damage, hiding the harmful bacteria. The sad fact about water-based lubricant is that it dries up very fast.
On the contrary, if you use an anal vibrator made of non-porous material, you can use silicone or oil lubricant. Sometimes you can get the ones that are specifically for anal sex.
Start at a Slower Rate
Suppose it's your first time; you need to make your body get used to something new without discomfort or pain. You can only achieve this by using a small vibrating anal plug and doing it at a slower pace. Later on, you can upgrade to a medium than a bigger one.
Additionally, you can train your anal cavity using the training kit, which has several vibrators, ranging from small to large anal vibrators. Furthermore, it has a lubricant, which will enhance smooth insertion.
The Bottom Line
Anal vibrators are the most powerful adult masturbators making anal sex the best form of pleasure. Practicing it does not mean you are doomed. Learn the simple rules and how you can enjoy anal sex. An additional anal vibrator will make it more pleasurable They can be used alone or with a partner. Some people still think anal sex is only pleasurable to men since it stimulates the prostate. However, with the use of anal vibrators, anyone can be stimulated. It is usually slim, and features flared base.