10 Best Flirting Tips for Girls - How to Flirt with Guys
Flirting is fun and even when you’re in a relationship you should be able to do it within certain limits and the bounds of good communication and understanding with your partner. Here we will look at some tips for come-and-get-me type flirting and how you can draw any attention you desire.
The old classic LOOK-BACK. If you pass an attractive person in the street and they look at you and smile or say hello, then if you’re like me you often murmur back a general ’Hi’ or offer a vague smile and carry on walking. You can then find yourself a few steps further down the road thinking, ‘Fuck! Why didn’t I stop?’ In this case – don’t panic, simply turn your head and look at them. They may be looking back at you too. Hold their eyes for a beat then carry on walking. They may well run after you, or if you’ve got more courage than me, you can run after them! Perhaps a conversation will start or if you pass each other again you will both have had time to build up some courage. Ways into conversations that are relaxed, friendly and fun are the best bet. This technique works in a club or just about anywhere really.
The WING-BUDDY. A good wing buddy is an invaluable asset, and can turn make your life so very easy when flirting. Your friend should be sociable, easy-going and interesting (or a hard-core goth/whatever aids the scene) so that any fit people that you talk to are enjoying being approached by his/her relaxed bonhomie, but slightly distracted by the attractive friend (you) and aiming to include you as much as possible in the conversation. Obviously I am not saying sit there like a wall-flower, but making things as relaxed as possible is a massive plus.
Be the most interesting person in the room. This does not mean be the loudest person in the room or the least-clothed person in the room, just the person with the most interesting life and state of being. If your life and state of being is not that interesting, then this is a bigger problem than whether or not you are going to pull. If the room is full of very interesting, effervescent people, then great – feel their energy. There is no need to compete with anyone, just work on what makes you happy and what brings you to life.
Enjoy what you are doing. Watching someone absorbed in an activity or in conversation with other people is very attractive. You are looking for calm, relaxed, fun, or open and truthful...all the things that most of us don’t feel when focussed on trying to get the attention of someone we think is attractive. Therefore, focus your attention on what you, they or other people are enjoying at the time and get in touch with that. Something creative is always a big plus. What’s more attractive than a great comedian (maybe more Russell Brand than Bernard Manning) or a sculptor at work?
Don’t forget that you are vulnerable. Hopefully, the people you want to connect with are emotionally intelligent and kind, so connect to your own softer side when listening to people. There is a moment for everything: laughter, waiting, lightness, directness etc, and listening for when those moments arrive in yourself and others, and playing them like a piano piece is the way forward; so it doesn’t matter what your personality type or mood, just have a feel out with your heart for what’s going on and play with that, then you will be drawing other people’s attention as they sense your connectedness.