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15 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Sex Appeal

Content Verification

Katie Lasson
Written by:
Katie Lasson
Sex and Relationship Adviser
Veronika Matutyte
Medically Reviewed by:
Veronika Matutyte
Medical Doctor
Barbara Santini
Fact Checked by:
Barbara Santini
Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor

🌟 Key Points at a Glance 🌟

Ready for a quick dive into the juicy bits? Here's the scoop:

  • 🔑 Confidence is your best friend!
  • 🌸 Take care of yourself – inside and out.
  • 💃 Get your body moving – it’s all about the energy!
  • 💋 Own your style – don’t blend in, stand out!
  • ✨ The little things go a long way – charm and manners matter.

💡 Key Advice & Tips from Our Experts 💡

Our team of charming experts has spoken! Take note of these delights:

  • 💪 Confidence is contagious – show it off!
  • 💖 Good self-care isn’t just about looking fab – it’s about feeling fab too!
  • 🕺 Move with purpose and passion – it's sexy!
  • 👠 Dressing to impress starts with feeling comfortable in your own skin.
  • 🌟 Small, thoughtful gestures speak volumes – be kind, be bold.

There are many ways for a person to boost their sex appeal. Some include; dressing well, smelling good, and walking graciously.

People are attracted to how someone looks, how they walk, and how they carry themselves with class and grace. They have a sex appeal attracting them to you. You might have a crush on them and might want to date them. You can also try and have the sex appeal to help draw them to you and make them notice you. You can try by changing your body language, appearance, and behavior. Some can say sex appeal is how someone is born. It might be, but others are working with how they were born and putting some improvements to it. Some of the ways to boost your sex appeal are;

Smell Good

People have a unique smell coming from their bodies. People wear perfume and cologne, making them smell sweet and pulling people toward them (Perkins, 2009). Body smell is natural and cannot be controlled unless improved. You don't want to be in an awkward situation where people are looking for excuses not to be near you. People attract to those having a sweet smell. You can notice a guy looking sharp and good, but their smell puts you off when you get closer.


Be someone who stands out in a group and can speak for themselves. Try and make eye contact when you speak to people to attract their attention. Be clear and straight to the point. You might get nervous but ensure it does not show. Try making a joke to break the tension in the room. Show that you can take charge of anything without being shy. Be careful not to be overconfident, for you may ruin people's perception of you. Some people turn off when you display such traits. Do not put yourself down. Try not to make your weakness visible.

Be Positive

Avoid speaking negatively or focusing on negative things around you. Do not stir trouble between your friends or colleagues at work. Avoid focusing on the worst part and try to be positive about everything. Try not to be a person who is always in people's businesses and talking about them. You will look like a gossip. Gossiping is a bad habit for idle minds. This can turn off guys in a room.

Have a Good Sense of Humor

Try to catch a joke when people crack some. Do not be a boring person who never finds anything funny in what people say. Have some interesting stories in which people can engage in and discuss. Be informed about current affairs. People will find you interesting in the topics you bring up and often want to be around you.

Don't Be a 'Pick Me.'

Try having your ideas and avoid going with other people's opinions. Speak up if you are against something and stand for yourself. It is great and appealing to see people who can't be pushed over by people and can stand their ground.

Dress Well

The first appearance matters. Some people may check on how you are dressed to know how they will address you or the respect they will accord you. Dress in a sexier way or wear clothes that flatter your body shape to attract people around you. Let them stare. Try and wear clothes that will draw them close to you and make you inspire someone.

Be Graceful in Walking

Do not shrink yourself and look timid. Be a classy person. Walk in a graceful manner that will command respect. People will notice your presence when you get into a room. It might intimidate them, but it's never your plan.


Always wear a smile on your face. It can invite people to talk to you because they feel you are friendly, as Cohen et al. (1999) noted. Avoid putting on a frown face. People who sulk are emotionally unstable and can burst out at people talking to them.

Engage Yourself in Talks

Let people see you are interested in what they are saying. Do not brush them off. You will connect more with people by showing interest in the conversations. Try cracking a joke to break the monotony when in a group of people. Talk and listen to them.

Be Interesting

Be a person with interesting stories, and people will want to be around you. Do not be boring and expect people to come for you with stories. People will always want to hang around you and get your opinion on some issues if you are an interesting person.

Pay Attention

You can check on people you feel are doing right and imitate them. Learn from them, check on their body language, and see the areas you need to improve.

Try New Things

There is a boost someone feels or gets when they try something new. Doing something new that you have never done and acing through it is one way to boost your sex appeal.

Make Eye Contact

Try making eye contact with people talking to you. Do not show you are nervous. Avoid staring at people, for it may be embarrassing. According to DeVito et al. (2000), wear a friendly face when making eye contact to look sexy and attractive.

Be Respectful

Consider avoiding being rude to people while talking. Showing respect makes you attractive, especially to men. It will draw people close to you.

Do Some Makeup

Men and women are beautiful, but it would not hurt to try some makeup. Makeups enhance your skin, glowing to attract guys around you (Prakobkij, 2017).


Having sex appeal is not about sex. It is how you carry yourself and the class you have. It can be how someone talks, moves, or dresses. The aura they bring into a room and the one they take away when they leave makes them attractive. Some things can make a person fall for you or have you as their crush. You can improve your sex appeal by trying different ways highlighted in this article.


Cohen, D., Vandello, J., Puente, S., & Rantilla, A. (1999). " When You Call Me That, Smile!" How Norms For Politeness, Interaction Styles, And Aggression Work Together In Southern Culture. Social Psychology Quarterly, 257-275.

Devito, J. A., O'Rourke, S., & O'Neill, L. (2000). Human Communication. New York: Longman.

Perkins, G. (2009). The Sense Of Smell And Its Effect On Attraction. Undergraduate Psychology Research Methods Journal, 1(10), 3.

Prakobkij, P. (2017). Graphic Design For Illustration Of Another Side Of Beauty.

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