18 Types Of Birth Control – Learn What Options Are Out There
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Quick & Quirky Summary
- 💡 Birth control options galore! Choose wisely, darlings.
- 🔍 Not one-size-fits-all, what works for one might not for another!
- 💬 Discuss with your GP to make an informed choice—your health is key!
- 🔄 Remember, some methods may take a little time to get used to!
- 👀 Regular check-ups are the secret to keeping things tip-top.
Top Tips From Our Experts
- 🗣️ Be open with your partner—communication is 🔑.
- 💪 Empower yourself with knowledge—take charge of your options.
- 📅 Consistency is everything, no method is effective unless you use it correctly.
- 🌸 Try to keep things fun, experimenting with new methods can be a blast!
The world contains numerous birth control methods. Nearly every individual and lifestyle have a suitable one. There are actually 18 birth control methods, which range from hormonal to non-hormonal and last long. Perhaps you're looking forward to learning more or need a new birth control method. Don’t worry since this is the right page for you. Opting for the rightful method can be overwhelming, but we’ve compiled some methods for you. This article contains the different birth control methods to help learn the available options. Let's read on to learn more.
Birth control types
Permanent method
This method involves surgery to prevent a sperm-producing person from causing a pregnancy, and an ovulating one can't be pregnant. It's an irreversible method that prevents pregnancies by 99%. Women may choose bilateral tubal ligation and men, vasectomy.
An implant is a hormonal birth control method. A health caregiver places a small rod underneath the skin on the upper rm. Its effectiveness is 99% throughout the given period of service. Only a small percentage, 1 out of 100 women, may unexpectedly conceive after using this implant in one year. This type works by letting the implant produce progesterone into the body to hinder eggs' released by ovaries. Additionally, the cervical mucus thickens, making it hard for sperms to penetrate the uterus.
IUD can be both hormonal and non-hormonal. It’s a T-shaped item medically inserted in the uterus by a specialist. Its effectiveness is 99% of the time. Women using this IUD technique experience results as expected. Only 1 out of 100 may be unlucky to get pregnant when the device is inserted. It’s one of the most effective and can stay between 3 and 10 years depending on the chosen type. It also prevents eggs from fertilization.
A shot is an injection on the hip or arm by a medical practitioner. It can serve for up to three months with 99% effectiveness. Only 1 out of 100 may conceive after getting the shot. It works by ceasing ovaries from producing eggs. It also thickens the cervical mucus to prevent sperm entry.
Vaginal ring
Here, medical personnel inserts a flexible ring in the vagina to prevent 99% of pregnancy of the time. Each year, less than 1 of 100 women get pregnant with this method that discharges hormones to prevent egg fertilization.
Condoms are non-hormonal and prevent pregnancies by 985. That means, two out of 100 women using condoms during intercourse get pregnant with proper use on an erect penis. Conversely, using female condoms may prevent 95% of pregnancies, meaning 5 of 100 women may get pregnant with correct use.
A pill is swallowed daily at the same time for more effectiveness and prevents pregnancy by 99% of the time. 1 out of 100 women can get pregnant when using as prescribed by a medical practitioner. It releases progestin hormone to prevent the production of eggs and thickens the cervix with mucus to hinder sperm entry.
The patch is placed on the skin except breasts to prevent pregnancy by 99%. It works by hindering egg production. It also thickens the cervical mucus to overwhelm sperm passage.
Emergency contraception
This is both a hormonal and non-hormonal birth control form. It can be in the form of copper IUD or pill and taken up to 5 days following unprotected sex. It works by thickening mucus in the cervix and stopping ovulation. Note that it can't cause an abortion.
Pull-out or withdrawal
Withdrawal is a non-hormonal method involving removing the penis from the vagina to ejaculate outside. Each year, 27 of 100 women can get pregnant when their partners withdraw during intercourse. It should be applied properly since always, there’s a chance of getting pregnant when a sperm gets in the pussy.
Natural or fertility awareness method
In this birth control form, a woman tacks her days on the calendar. She determines the days most likely to be fertile and those of less fertility following her ovulation date. It prevents pregnancy by 76%. Out of 100 women, 24 can get pregnant each year when applying this method correctly.
Using spermicide that contains sperm-killing chemicals, for instance, suppositories, foams, or films, can be effective by 82%. 18 Women out of 100 can conceive when relying on this method with the correct use as directed. It's placed in the vagina moments before the penis penetrates to block the cervix, thus hindering sperms from accessing the ovaries.
A diaphragm is a birth control technique involving a shallow cup-shaped saucer item from soft silicone material. It's inserted in the vagina after bending it in half for cervix covering. It creates a barrier in the cervix that prevents fertilization. It's 88% effective.
Internal condom
Mainly female condoms are used as a substitute for regular ones. They get inserted in the vagina to prevent pregnancy by 95%.
The contraceptive sponge is a tiny soft, squishy plastic product inserted into the vagina before intercourse. It composes spermicide for pregnancy prevention. It contains a fabric loop for easy retrieval when not needed.
Exclusive breastfeeding, which may involve nursing for at least six hours at night and four during the day, helps prevent pregnancy by 98%. Baby sucking milk exclusively blocks ovulation, hence no conception. It's also called lactational amenorrhea, where lactation means breastfeeding and amenorrhea is not experiencing periods.
Tubal sterilization
This happens in the following ways;
- Bilateral salpingectomy that involves complete removal of fallopian tubes.
- Essure sterilization coil that’s placed in the oviducts for blocking them.
- Tubal ligation that involves permanent fallopian tubes closure or cutting some pieces off the tube.
This method prevents pregnancy by almost 100%. It involves an incision or no cut method. Vasectomy without cutting is good as it heals faster and prevents infection risk. It's a permanent method, meaning there's no reversal. It helps avoid causing any pregnancy in your lifetime after the surgical procedure.
The bottom line
This article contains 18 birth control methods t help learn more information before making a decision. You can also compare to see what new method to try out for your pregnancy planning.