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Pregnancy is good for most lovers as it strengthens their relationship and is an opportunity for them to grow their families. However, after conceiving, sexually active partners can find it challenging to keep up with the same sex routine or develop new ones. Pregnant women have many worries regarding sex and pregnancy, including; Is pregnancy sex safe? When should I stop having sex when I'm pregnant? Can sex cause harm to the baby? These uneasy feelings and self-doubting scenarios are common, especially in pregnant women for the first time. How women feel towards sex when pregnant differs individually. Some women can experience an increase in libido when pregnant, while others experience a low sex drive. This blog covers all the details about pregnancy and sex.

Is Pregnancy Sex Safe?

Engaging in sex when pregnant is safe. Sex and health experts recommend that partners stick to the same sex routine they had before conceiving. If a person feels happy or ready to get intimate, nothing related to pregnancy should hold them back. People can have sex hours after getting pregnant to weeks before delivery. However, pregnancy can change how people make love. Pregnant women need to choose new positions that favor their pregnancy and growing belly for their safety and that of their unborn baby.

If pregnant, you can consult your health practitioner before engaging in sex to avoid future complications. Women who have previously suffered miscarriages may have to wait before having sex when pregnant. Also, lovers should check their health status before penetrative sex to avoid the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Pregnant women should avoid having unprotected sex with multiple partners.

Pregnant women should worry less about their partner hurting the unborn baby with his penis. The cervix is designed to form a protective layer that limits external contacts from the vagina to the baby. However, women with conditions like preterm labor, placenta previa, and cervical weakness should avoid sex to limit the risks linked to these conditions. Also, avoid positions that involve blowing air into the vagina as it can trigger fatal conditions to the mother and baby.

Can You Have Oral Sex When Pregnant?

With approval from a doctor, women can freely engage in oral sex play. Women can receive the same oral sex pleasure as before conceiving. They can also swallow their partner's sperm if they feel like too. However, the play should not involve blowing air into the birth canal. Air embolism can lead to stroke or breathing problems for the unborn baby or mother as it blocks the blood vessels. 

Can You Engage in Anal Sex When Pregnant?

Women with no pregnancy hemorrhoids can proceed with anal play throughout their pregnancy period. However, these women need to stick to their anal routine and avoid extreme painful pleasures. They should also apply more lube to make anal play more pleasurable and smoother. However, avoid switching from anal play to vaginal sex without washing it off. Shifting to vaginal play with no cleaning increases the risk of transferring bacteria that could harm the unborn baby. 

Benefits of Pregnancy Sex

Healthy pregnancy and safe sex practices go hand in hand. Sex when pregnant comes with benefits to your mental and physical wellbeing. The common benefits include; 

Improve Moods 

Women tend to be moodier when pregnant, though the levels differ for different women. When women orgasm during sex, the love hormone, oxytocin, and happy hormone dopamine are released. These chemicals can significantly improve a woman's mood and offer a soothing effect on the baby. 

Enhances the Bond

Pregnancy sex helps keep sexual life active and can induce a spark in your sessions as you try new positions. Intimacy is essential for a healthy relationship, even during pregnancy. 

Triggers Labor

Sex is the best method to kick-start the labor period. This is because orgasms tend to induce uterine contractions, preparing a smooth path for the baby. When engaging in unprotected sex, the semen or sperms contain properties that enhance softening and widening of the cervix and uterus. Prostaglandins secreted quicken the softening of the cervix wall and the opening of the uterus. 

Boosts The Pelvic Floor Muscles

Frequent sex that leads to orgasms in women can act as a mechanism of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. During orgasms, the pelvic floor muscles contract and relax, fastening recovery after giving birth. 

Helps Burn Some Calories

Sex uses lots of energy, and regular sex can lower excess calories in the body. Women can maintain healthy physical status from frequent lovemaking.

Enhanced Pleasure

Pregnancy comes with a change in hormones that boost sexual arousal in women. It also increases blood flow to the pelvic and vulva, increasing sensitivity. The breast also tends to grow in size, enhancing nipple sensitivity. 

How Does Sex Feel During Pregnancy

Sexual experiences during pregnancy differ in women. Some tend to enjoy lovemaking more when pregnant, while others report no changes in their sexual life. In rare circumstances, pregnancy sex can be painful. Pregnant women should communicate what they feel and love for pleasurable moments with a lover. 

Best Sex Positions  

As the bump grows, women will have to change their sex positions for more comfortable encounters. Generally, pregnant women should avoid sex styles that impose weight on the belly and opt for positions, such as woman on top, rear penetration, and side penetration

Bleeding After Sex

Bleeding after sex when pregnant is normal. It can be due to the softer cervix and uterus. However, seek medical help to clear your worries and avoid premature birth signs.

When to Stop Having Sex When Pregnant

This depends on the pregnancy condition. However, women should avoid intimacy when;

  • Expecting multiple babies.
  • Have a history of miscarriages or premature birth and labor.
  • Their cervix is incompetent, a condition is known as placenta previa.
  • They experience intense amniotic fluid leakage and vaginal bleeding.


Pregnancy sex is common and has no serious effects on pregnant mothers' and unborn babies' health. However, pregnant women should maintain safe sex practices to avoid infection risks. These women should talk to their partner and doctor before opting for sex when pregnant. As discussed in this blog, pregnancy sex can benefit the mother and unborn baby. You can safely explore your sexual desires when pregnant using the information above.

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