It feels good to be in a relationship with a compatible partner. Couples enjoy sexual activities and social events when they are compatible. You are sexually compatible if you see these signs, including; matching in the sexual drive, having an immediate spark, having a similar kissing style, and being great at communicating.
According to Kim et al. (2021), sexual compatibility is the match of partners to desire sex. For example, if you have sex twice a day and your partner has it once, it could be a misunderstanding. A partner whose sexual desires are high may feel sexually dissatisfied. This shows you are sexually incompatible. You are sexually compatible if your sexual desire frequency matches and you both get satisfied.
It is good to know your sexual compatibility, for it is significant for a long-lasting relationship and be at par in meeting your sexual desire. Below are signs you are sexually compatible with your partner.
Signs you are sexually compatible.
Match in the sexual drive
This is an important aspect in a relationship that you want to last or lead to marriage. A matching sexual desire is a good sign of sexual compatibility. For example, when your sexual desires fairly match, you cannot cross with your partner. Every time one of you desires sex, the other is also in need. Couples with the same sexual desires enjoy sex more than couples with different desires. Sex needs to be practiced with mutual feelings and understanding. You can visit a sex therapist or urologist to help attain a mutual sex desire for compatibility.
Have an immediate spark
People starting a new relationship engage in sexual activities often. Some people start their relationships with a spark, making the moment memorable. Couples in a long-term relationship may start losing the spark and excitement. This can lead to your questioning and trying to find what went wrong. The relationship loses its agency and romance. You get a spark whenever you get into a new relationship. Take advantage of the chemistry and enjoy sex with your partner, although it will not be the same always. Having that initial spark shows you are sexually compatible.
Similar kissing style
Having the same kissing style as your partner shows you are sexually compatible. Kissing is how most sex starts and the similarity of the kissing style spices your sexual desires. There are many kissing styles that you can use, but a similar one feels natural and comfortable for both of you. Additionally, kissing for a long time and not getting tired instead makes you want your partner more. You can search online for the best kissing styles and practice them with your partner. This enhances mutual feeling and compatibility. Kissing is based on pace, oral wetness, and rhythm. Kissing helps people figure out long-term potential partners’ compatibility through smell and tests. Ensure you brush your teeth and tongue properly before kissing to avoid turning your partner off with bad smells.
Great in communication.
Some people agree that communication is not only key but essential for a relationship. Through communication, you will both understand each other's likes and dislikes. This will strengthen the bond between you and your partner. Let your partner understand how you like it when it comes to bed and how they make it better for you. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal. You can gesture it if you can't communicate it. Ladies can start throwing fleshy smiles, lick their lips, play with their hair or make suggestive touches. Have sexual talk away from the bedroom, and consider your partner's mood; for instance, do not bring up a concern when hungry, tired, or angry. Choose a time when you are both at ease and relaxed. You are sexually compatible when you can easily communicate and understand each.
Understand each other sign
Having a person by your side who understands you and the signs you use makes it easier for your relationship. There's romance when you understand and know hints from each other when you desire sex, as Herbenick et al. (2014) stated. This aspect helps set the mood and urge to spend more time together. It is a sign of sexual compatibility that cannot be ignored. For example, when your partner runs his hand down your back sensually and maintains eye contact, suggest something.
Similar relationship to sex
Sex connects partners and strengthens their relationships. It is not for pleasure and relieves you from the day's stress. This is the pillar of a relationship. Poor sex life in a relationship turns off both partners and can cause breakups (Schover, 1991). The view of the purpose of sex in a relationship is important to your sexual compatibility. Not having the same reason and purpose for sex might have problems in your relationship; sex plays a vital role in life. Open to trying new things deciphers sexual compatibility.
Ready to try new things
Hicks et al. (2004) noted that compromising and giving it a try to new things shows you are comfortable with your significant other. Relationship satisfaction is motivated when partners meet each other's sexual needs. Having an open mind is significant to a couple's compatibility. You can try new sex positions like doggy and cowgirl and avoid the common missionary style causing boredom. You can also introduce kinky sex for mind-blowing orgasms. It is more enjoyable to make scarifies for each other. Being open to trying new things spices your love life. This is a sign of sexual compatibility.
Sexual compatibility is an important aspect to consider when in a relationship. The outlined signs enable you to identify a suitable partner for a long-lasting relationship. Bad sex is a harbinger of something wrong in the relationship. Bad sex isn't a disease but a symptom. Some marriages break due to sexual incompatibility. People need sex for physical happiness failure to satisfy your partner's desire and needs is a potential sexual incompatibility. Sexual compatibility comes naturally to some couples but can grow with time if committed to the relationship.
Kim, J. J., Muise, A., Barranti, M., Mark, K. P., Rosen, N. O., Harasymchuk, C., & Impett, E. (2021). Are Couples More Satisfied When They Match In Sexual Desire? New Insights From Response Surface Analyses. Social Psychological And Personality Science, 12(4), 487-496.
Herbenick, D., Mullinax, M., & Mark, K. (2014). Sexual Desire Discrepancy As A Feature, Not A Bug, Of Long‐Term Relationships: Women's Self‐Reported Strategies For Modulating Sexual Desire. The Journal Of Sexual Medicine, 11(9), 2196-2206.
Hicks, M. W., Mcwey, L. M., Benson, K. E., & West, S. H. (2004). Using What Premarital Couples Already Know To Inform Marriage Education: Integration Of A Gottman Model Perspective. Contemporary Family Therapy, 26(1), 97-113.
Schover, L. R. (1991). The Impact Of Breast Cancer On Sexuality, Body Image, And Intimate Relationships. CA: A Cancer Journal For Clinicians, 41(2), 112-120.