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Most men are looking for ways to enhance their sexual performance and their partner's satisfaction. Currently, there are plenty of enhancing pills for men in the market that could improve your game. However, treating sexual problems has never been this easier. You can improve on your game without having to visit a pharmacy. Keep in mind that a man's penis works on blood pressure, and all you need to do is ensure your circulatory system is working at its best.

Whatever is good for your heart is good for your sexual health. Your sexuality may also be influenced by some of the physical changes that your body undergoes as you age.  These changes include changes in neurological functions and declining hormone levels, leading to vaginal pain or erectile dysfunction. However, focusing on sexual performance can lead to anxiety. Worrying about getting and maintaining an erection is usually a key factor in performance anxiety. Therefore, let us look at how to be good in bed by increasing stamina, reducing erectile dysfunction, and improving the overall sexual performance without necessarily visiting a medical professional.

Focusing of Foreplay

When defining sex, most men believe that penetration is the most important thing. Well, the majority of those who experience erectile dysfunction may be forced to understand that erection is not primarily needed to please their partners. If you need a new incentive to try new strategies, then erectile dysfunction can work better for your partner. Making foreplay last will eventually improve your sexual experience. Some of the foreplay activities include oral sex, kissing, and touching. These activities may benefit a woman as studies show that only a few women experience orgasms from sexual acts alone. A good number experience it from clitoral stimulation.

Managing Anxiety and Stress

When a man is experiencing either of the above, maintaining an erection might become problematic. Such feelings distract people from sexual intimacy as the man may feel less excited about sex, making him less engaged in the act. Some of the strategies to manage anxiety may include:

  • Getting more sleep
  • Exercises
  • Meditating
  • Taking psychiatric medication
  • Spending time on a favorite hobby
  • Focusing more on physical sensation
  • Going to therapy

Try Start- And- Stop Technique

To make this activity functional, a man needs to stop sexual activities every time he feels he's getting to climax. You can take a short break and start again. You can repeat the same as many times as you wish to last longer in bed. This method trains the body to hold off ejaculation making a man feel more comfortable and building confidence during sexual activity.

Quit Smoking

High blood pressure and other heart-related problems may result from smoking cigarettes. This will further lead to erectile dysfunction. A study found that when one quits smoking, then sexual functions are improved hence reducing erectile dysfunction.

Try Something New

If you have been having sex with one partner for a while, sex starts to feel a routing, which contributes to difficulty getting excited about the act. To solve such an issue, you need to try new sexual activities or positions, and you can also have sex from a different location. Remember, sexual pleasure thrives in an environment of passion and excitement. Talking about sexual fantasies with your partner could make sex more exciting. You can as well try out something new together outside the bedroom like:

  • Going to museum
  • Trying new sport
  • Cooking together
  • Seeing new band
  • Hiking

These activities help people feel more connected, bringing excitement into the bedroom.

Get More Exercise

Risk factors for a heart condition can be reduced by being physically active. Regular exercise can reduce anxiety and improve mental health. This will also contribute to sexual function. A condition such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes contribute to nerve-damaging, which will change the amount of blood flow into the penis. This will contribute to difficulty in erection maintenance. Most men find that regular exercise improves their mental health, helping them feel better. This will also benefit muscles involved in ejaculation and arousal. Below are some of the exercises that may help:

  • You can stop the flow of urine while urinating. Repeat this several times to identify the muscle involved.
  • Try to contract your muscles for 10 seconds when not urinating. Relax them for 10 seconds before contracting them again for another 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the cycle of relaxing and contracting ten times each day.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of becoming more aware of the present moment. For beginners, this is the most popular form as it helps to improve sexual function. Research shows that negative attitudes about sex could be changed with mindfulness-based therapies. It results in helping people to be present during the act hence, improving sexual relationships. Meditation and mindfulness can also help in managing stress unrelated to sexual activities. This can indirectly improve man's ability to focus at the moment.

Open Communication

It is always good to bring sex-related issues that may have created tension or worry with your partner. Speaking can greatly improve sexual experiences. Working together to solve the sexual-related problem can make a man feel less isolated or guilty. A partner may have a practical suggestion that will help them ease fear about sexual dysfunction.

Try an Herbal Remedy

If erectile dysfunction is concerned, some herbal remedies may work it out, bringing about sexual satisfaction. Results from a study indicated that Tribulus Terrestris greatly impacts erectile dysfunction. Always speak with a doctor before trying out herbal remedies. Healthcare providers will help you monitor the progress of symptoms if you are using herbal supplements. Always remember that official organizations never regulate herbal supplements.

The Bottom Line

Enhancing your sexual performance and your partner's satisfaction is the major thing that most men anticipate. Well, you can consider several things to increase your game in the bedroom. Some of the activities include practicing mindfulness, trying herbal remedies, and quitting smoking. Remember, good sex life will improve your relationship.