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Most men feel like they can barely understand women because of their nature. Women are the most complicated creatures to tell how to turn them on. At one point, she might need you and even get sexual, and suddenly, she can say she needs to take a break. If you want to turn a lot of girls, you need to know what turns them on. Also, know what turns her off so that you don't do it.

To turn on a girl and make her chase you, you need to understand between value and comfort. These are the two major keys to sexual triggers. Most people screw it off, not knowing but talking too much only to find out they were friend-zoned. This means that they are no longer viewed as a sexual man again.

To understand how female sex drive works, you need to know how VALUE and COMFORT works. These are the two most powerful triggers to get laid by a lady.

  • VALUE- Being sexually attractive
  • COMFORT- Women feel comfortable being with you

Remember, the goal is to become that turn woman high and anticipate having sex with you. That means you need more VALUE to attract them and COMFORT for logistics. Attracting women and having sex are two things that you need to understand. A woman can be sexually attracted, but as long as she is not comfortable with you, sex might be a dream for you.

If your conversation is more of too much love and relationship stuff, but there is no sex appeal, she will start seeing you as her friend. In simple terms, all you need to do is balance VALUE and COMFORT. This does not only make girls have sex with you but also feel comfortable with you.

High Sexual Value

For you to get more women flocking into your bedroom, you need to be a "man with high." In a simple word I mean, you should be an attractive man. In case you may have laid down a woman before, it is because you portrayed VALUE that was enough to turn her on. There are four important parts of VALUE that we are going to discuss in detail.

  • Masculine energy (Assertiveness, confidence, and dominance)
  • Physical looks (Tall, Handsome, Dark Jacked, etc.)
  • High status (Wealth, Connection)
  • Good Game (Being funny, flirting, emotional intelligence, etc.)

You don't need to have all the four qualities; you can decide to maximize one, and it will still give you results. If you can maximize the four values, then you will be the kind of man every girl is thirsting for to have sex with.

Masculine Energy

When a man is strong and has a good build body, he naturally attracts women to his life. Masculine energy always comes with sexual polarity and excitation. Nothing drives a lady crazy like seeing a man with a nice body, as they always associate it with overall sexual energy

It consists of the following characteristics:

  • Presence
  • Clarity of intent
  • Bigger purpose
  • Congruence
  • Non-Neediness
  • Confidence
  • Carefree energy

Physical Looks

Most people always think looks only matter more to women. You don't know that some women still need a man with a perfect body and a nice face (handsome man). It would help if you improved on your style and grooming as well. Wear something nice and learn what girls like about a man's appearance. For you to have a nice physical look, you need to consider the following;

  • Style (clothing and accessories)
  • Grooming (cologne, facial hair, and hairstyle)
  • Physical Fitness (being lead and having muscle)

Always find clothes that fit and compliment your physique

High Status

Most women will start avoiding you once they feel their status lowers when they hang around you. Women would wish to have sex and hang around men of high status. Status can be shown in different ways, such as

  • Social proof
  • Pre-selection
  • Being wealthy
  • High job status (lawyer, doctor)

Status is not easy to be attained because it depends on the whims of other people. Nevertheless, having a "good game" implies status.

Good Game

You need to understand female psychology and what makes a good game. This will make women anticipate having sex with you. A good game means having social intelligence and teasing, flirt and feeling what others are feeling. A good game is the highest leverage point for men to get a lot of women laid regardless of their looks or status. A good game compensates for a lot.

Get Comfortable with Women

As said earlier, getting a good ration of comfort will turn on most bitches for you. This Is the hidden key to turning them on. Nevertheless, the wrong ratio will screw things up.  If you are looking for a long-term relationship, your main focus should be on COMFORT. Comfort is just what it sounds like. There is no rocket science here. High comfort means she trusts you and is comfortable doing anything with you. For you to have increased comfort, you need to consider the following:

  • Complimenting her
  • Going on dates with her
  • Leveraging preselection
  • Having high social proofs
  • Demonstrating you are a protector

If you need to demonstrate comfort and value simultaneously, keep the conversation going on social media. I other girls see a picture of you and other girls or you and your family on social media, and you are doing pretty fine; they will always anticipate having sex with you. This is because they feel comfortable and see you as a man of value.

How to Turn Girl on Through Text

  • Flirt with women on a text by creating sexual tension using naughty words.
  • Use flirty nicknames
  • Build sexual tension in a way that women can play with.
  • Use sexual innuendos when texting
  • Use memes, GIF, and pics

The Bottom Line

Most men feel like they can barely understand women because of their nature. Women are the most complicated creatures to tell how to turn them on. To turn on a girl and make her chase you, you need to understand between value and comfort. These are the two major keys to sexual triggers.