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Bad sexual decisions are probably something unavoidable when growing up. However, it should be abandoned together with carelessness in your youthfulness, similar to unhealthy food choices. So, is your sexuality a personal demon?

Nothing describes a healthy sex life yet. However, you may keep asking if you’re insane because of the frequent urge to fuck. It becomes hard to rule the demon in you, and you may wonder if you're the only one. Do you wonder whether your sexuality is a personal demonic? Here are some clues to determine if your sexuality is normal.

Is Your Relationship Abusive?

An abusive relationship can never have a healthy sex life. This doesn’t suggest that wonderful sex vibes never occur in such relationships. The problem is how this abuse outdoes your self-respect after some time. This makes you unable to express yourself sexually. For this reason, it is essential to learn the early red flags of a toxic relationship and take safer action if you suspect anything is going off between you two. 

Do You Have Infidelity Problems?

Cheating may be the last judgmental point in a love affair. Cheating can happen in understandable situations, such as a temporary separation due to an unstable relationship. You may also be pressured and tempted when in a long-distance relationship or being physically apart. However, one should drop the monogamy phenomenon if one can't practice faithfulness. While most people view cheating partners as crappy individuals, unfaithfulness doesn't suggest you're an imbecile or asshole. It may burden you with a life secret and cause emotional pain that might be stressful.  

Are You a Drug Addict? How Does It Affect Your Sex Life?

Individuals’ sex lives materialize from numerous decisions made without their complete consciousness. Nevertheless, it is important to interrogate yourself to realize a problem. Looking back at your sexual behavior, are you the kind that embraced one-night stands in clubs and pubs? When was the last time you had sober sex? Was it clean, totally free from intoxicants? If it doesn't click in your mind right now, it may indicate a problem. Several sexual expressions from different people give some admiration. In addition, some people have a seemingly normal life but, through introspection, discover they can't tell the last time they fucked their significant other without a glass of wine or communication. Happy and healthy sex involves direct blissful encounters unregulated by situations and involving conscious choices. Learn to preserve everything for special events.

Are You a Sex Addict?

What do you understand by sexual addiction? If you sleep around with different people, does it mean you’re addicted to sex? According to Gold & Heffner (1998), sexual addiction does nothing with partners always being together. How much time, mental capacity, and energy you dedicate to fulfilling your sexual desires determines if you are a sexual addict. It's also an issue if it strains your relationships with others or pressures you extremely.

Sex addiction falls under intimacy disorders which may prevent individuals from building a lasting relationship or trustworthy company. 

If You Keep Hurting Others or Yourself With Sexual Choices, Then It Could Be a Sign

If you get pain from your sex life, it's best to change rather than embrace your negative sex energy with numb pessimism. Hall (2011) recommended professional advice from a sex therapist or counselor for one to get liberated. 

The Bottom line

One individual confessed to always wanting to get involved in sex regardless of the situation. When he sees his wife barefooted at night, thoughts mainly go to fucking those toes and cumming on them. He described his experience as demonic and wanted to get rid of his uncontrollable sexual urges. Another case scenario to give clues of sexuality as a personal demon is being unfaithful for your reasons. It doesn't matter how justifying they are. Also, sexual addiction and drugs may affect your relationship to bring out that demon. If you feel affected and need a change, seek professional therapy.


Gold, S. N., & Heffner, C. L. (1998). Sexual addiction: Many Conceptions, Minimal Data. Clinical Psychology Review, 18(3), 367-381.Hall, P. (2011). A Biopsychosocial View of Sex Addiction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 26(3), 217-228.