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Sex During Pregnancy: What’s Ok & What’s Not

Sex During Pregnancy: What’s Ok & What’s Not

Most pregnant women and their spouses always wonder if sex during pregnancy is safe. Many worries revolve around miscarriage and hurting the unborn baby. Some even wonder about the kind of sex positions to employ for keeping everything safe. Well, pregnancy may spike up sexual interest for some, whereas others may see it as the last thing before death. For one to become pregnant, they must have engaged in a sexual act if not conceiving by the Holy Spirit or undergoing biological processes. But, what about sex during pregnancy. Let's continue reading to find out the things you should know concerning sex and pregnancy.

Safety in sex during pregnancy

Is sex safe during pregnancy? Women with normal pregnancies should have sex as a typical and natural part of it. Your unborn creature is well protected by the uterus and isn't in any danger that may occur from intercourse penetration and impact. Remember, the amniotic fluid is present for such works. Suppose you are afraid of orgasmic contraction for triggering labor, that's wrong since they're not similar. Doctors may warn against intercourse during the last pregnancy days with the thought that semen hormones called prostaglandins can stimulate labor. The idea is exempted for overdue women wishing to induce labor faster. It's because the gel for ripening the cervix for labor induction composes prostaglandins. Conversely, other doctors believe that this is simply theoretical since sex doesn’t induce labor.

Conditions for avoiding sex during pregnancy

Talking to your doctor during clinic visits is best to understand whether having sex during pregnancy is good for you or not. They may properly advise following your current health status. For instance, sex may not be recommended with the conditions below.

  • Too early opening f the cervix
  • Having a too low placenta
  • Pregnant with twins, triplets, or other multiple babies
  • A raptured amniotic sac or is leaking
  • Having cramps, vaginal bleeding, or bleeding without a clear cause
  • Being at risk of preterm labor
  • Having a history of miscarriages or at a high risk of miscarrying

If your doctor says no sex for you, ensure to confirm what they mean. It could suggest no sexual arousal or orgasm, not simply intercourse. Again, you can call the doctor in instances during or after sex and you experience symptoms such as:

  • Fluid or discharge
  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Contractions
  • Significant discomfort

Sex during pregnancy

Different women have varied experiences during pregnancy. That includes their feeling about sex. Some women feel more deeply linked to arousal and sex and others the desire may fade away. But, it's normal for such to happen as it goes by the changes experienced by the woman's body. For example, as the belly grows bigger, you may feel self-conscious. Others may feel sexier when breasts grow bigger and fuller on the chest. Let's look at the below libido pattern in pregnancy.

  • 1st trimester- Nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue may reduce your sex urge. However, take it easy since it’ll be back later.
  • 2nd trimester- You may have high gear libido. Having increased blood circulation may cause more stimulation for quicker orgasms.
  • 3RD Trimester- You may feel too much discomfort with birth approach.

When sexing, it’s best to communicate for the better. Inform your man how it feels and what works for you best. Other needs may require changing sex positions, especially during the final days. Go for the most comfortable that’s stimulating. In case something doesn’t ponder well with both of you or either, make changes and call your doctor for guidance. Furthermore, please avoid the missionary position mostly after the fourth month into pregnancy. Doing this helps avoid the baby’s weight from constricting main blood vessels. Alternatively, the woman should come on top or lie on their side and the man lies behind her. You can also get on fours- on your knees and hands, and let your man kneel behind. These positions are wonderful as they reduce pressure impacted on the belly. Please don't forget to use a lubricant uncomfortable due to vaginal dryness. Another major reminder is to always use a condom if your partner's sexual history is unknown to you. That's because pregnancy lacks protection against the contraction of sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV, chlamydia, genital warts, and herpes. These infections risk your baby's health too.

Sex after giving birth

The postpartum period involves the first six weeks after delivery. During this time, sex may be the last thing to think of. The desire may lessen because:

  • Increased demands by your newbie, especially if they’re twins or triplets and more
  • Normal postpartum bleeding occurring between four and six weeks
  • Tiredness after pregnancy and giving birth
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Emotional changes, including anxiety in motherhood, postpartum blues, and relationship problems with the baby’s father.
  • Taking care of the incision after cesarean delivery
  • Healing from incision during delivery- episiotomy

Healing after giving birth takes some time, and intercourse may only feel safe after convincing yourself that you're well. That implies having the delicate vaginal nerves fully healed and any incisions have no pain. Most specialists would advise you to take at least six weeks after delivery before engaging in intercourse. Essentially, consider your emotion or physical readiness and comfort. Some women may realize a lack of enough self-lubrication after delivery. That's when a quality water-based lubricant should come in place for easing the discomfort caused by dryness. It would help if both of you sit and talk, after that, employ the virtue of patience. Be ready to take even a whole year before your normal sex life returns toots glory, especially following the early parenthood stressors and realities.

The bottom line

Most pregnant women and their partners may worry about their unborn baby when sex is involved. However, it’s good to understand that your baby is safe, more so if your pregnancy lacks complications. You only need to consult your doctor for more guidance and use the most comfortable positions in the act. Additionally, don’t ignore using a condom if you don’t know your partner’s sexual history. As you get intimate, please listen to your body and check for any danger signs that could be risking your pregnancy.