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Sexy Stories for the Playfully Horny - Neighborhood Gift

Sexy Stories for the Playfully Horny - Neighborhood Gift

Sexy Stories for the Playfully Horny - Neighborhood Gift

By Ekaterina Mironova

I saw her with her friends, walking and laughing and laughing more then ever and I turned to my best friend in the whole world at that time. "I'm going to marry her. Within six years, we'll be married. That's a guarantee." Twenty-five years later, I told her that story and she looked at me and laughed. And she laughed some more unable to believe I recall something like that.

"Well it's true" I said.

"Whatever" my construction worker wife said. She was still smiling as she said it.

Yep, my wife who does construction work daily doesn't look like someone who can even do the work. In fact she looks like an administrative assistant somewhere downtown. Who would know my slender, and yes still shapely woman, could be a construction worker? She is and in addition to it she's prettier then any other woman we know. She works at it. She has a pretty good tan. She has smallish boobs. But she has the greatest legs. She has awesome looking accommodating hips which make her look pretty damn good in a bikini lately. And she does it all for me and our marriage. Now me on the other hand, well I stay in shape, but if we got into a wrestling match"she may win it. We get along well. We always have. When I first asked her out, it only took me five months to propose to her and from that day forward, it only took us another five months to get married.

People knew we were meant for one another.

"So is this it?" she asked. "Just dinner?" she said.

I nodded.

"That's all?" she stated. "Dinner and nothing else?" she said.

"Nope" I told her. I wore a straight face the whole time. "Just dinner"that's it."

We ate in silence, pure and total silence from that point on. Inside I was smiling up and down. She didn't know it but our neighborhood friends were all at our place setting up. Setting up what, you ask? They were throwing us a party of sorts and in addition to the fifteen people invited, also in attendance were her parents, my dad, and my two younger sisters. Her family lived across the country. So to my knowledge they wouldn't be there. When we drove up only her car or truck in this case was in the driveway. She had on a nice dress and amazingly could switch into one at the snap of her fingers. A quick around-the-block walk and shower and she could be ready for about anything in under 45 minutes. And Amanda was.

Amanda, what a name, right" A beautiful name for a beautiful woman or so I think. It's true. It is a perfect name for a perfect lady, a perfect woman, and Amanda my bride of 25 years is just that. At 50 something and I won't tell you her real age, but it's just above 50 somewhere, she still has all the looks a woman that age should have, and then some I have always believed. Our friends think the same thing and some are jealous of it. Some aren't. Who cares what they think. Amanda is as good as they get, in my opinion.

It was all set. And it was perfect. When we arrived back home, within two hours, it was only a quarter of eight. Time for some serious partying, I told her as we walked in. That was as all of them yelled "Congratulations" of course. Once that happened we all hung out talking and laughing and laughing and carrying on some more. It finally dawned on me almost all of them had all dressed up to either look like me, which is always a mistake or her which is always good. Because if you fashion yourself after my wife, it says something about you, and her.

"It's ready" she told Amanda.

"What's ready?" Amanda asked.

"You know" The you-know-what's are" she said.

"Really, you mean it? They got it all set up and in that short a time?"

The neighborhood women nodded or at least two of them had. How much everyone else was involved, I didn't know anything about it. At about 10:30 it began to clear out of there and everyone left at about 10:50. We had the house to ourselves. It was almost completely cleaned up except for an odd or an end here and there. That could be cleared up later on. Our kids had called. We didn't call them back until the following day. They were grown, moved out, in college, or something to that affect. Doing well and that's all that matters for the moment"blah, blah, blah. You might know the drill.

Upstairs, she waited for me to come up. Unbeknownst to me she was up there looking around for signs, but couldn't find anything at all. I didn't know a thing. She did and it was her present to me, to us"forever and ever and ever. It was going to be our first, and only, sex video. Hopefully it would come off beautifully. Hopefully. I walked in once upstairs. She stood there, dressed still, and looked my way, smiling. A nice and gentle smile I thought. I told her too. It is a pretty smile and her eyes glistened, but seeing as she didn't know where any of the cameras were, nor did I, we couldn't "look" towards any. It was okay. One of them caught her illustrious smile. It's the one which says "I'm all yours again tonight. Do me any way you want to do me." That's what it told me. I didn't expect it either. She was taking tomorrow off. Afterward I'd figure out why. She'd been in construction almost all her life and still looks like a gentle storyline soul once she alters out of her work clothes. I guarantee you she does.

"Make love with me?" she said.

"I'd make love to you any day or anywhere" I replied generously.

"Good because I want you to make love as madly as ever, tonight" she said.

The way she had said it seemed"staged? That's what I thought. Why is she acting so"weird tonight, I wondered. Either way, I undid my shirt. I walked towards her like I've walked towards her a million plus times, but I stopped myself.

I turned and walked back to where I started walking from to begin with. The second time I did it, I did it right. I walked with passion and gallantry in my stride, like a horseman. Like a knight wearing and carrying on like he should. I think, but I'm not clear, I impressed her. Did I, I don't know, but she was watching me. She looked at my whole body, all of me. She smiled the whole time she did. That's when she began undoing her dress she'd put on in our bedroom before we'd gone out that evening. Watching her turned me on, big time. I realized how sexy she still was at that time. Hard, curvy, soft, and curves from one side of her to another. Yes, did I mention she is curvy? I have to explain my wife was a gift from the gods when I met her years ago and I told him or them or someone that way back when and I wouldn't mess it up once we married. It hasn't been messed up either.

It was a great night and growing greater by the moment. Little did I know it was all being recorded on tape on three little, unseen cameras throughout "dessert" in our bedroom. Who would have known? Not me obviously. No, I was totally oblivious to what was set up and as we undressed, I began to watch her body change. From what she had on until she went in the bathroom and put on that little, if you want to call it that, piece. Whoa! She grew new hips and new boobs. Bigger and better and yet her tits seemed braver somehow. I was tantalized even more by her. No way, I thought. How could my wife be any prettier then she already is? But she was that night in that"that" I still haven't figured out what they call it only because it wasn't on too long after she put it on.

When she walked back out, I was wearing a nice shirt but nothing else but my boxers. My usual but not hers, she impressed me, ten times over. I couldn't move, not even a muscle. I stared at her like a boy, or a very young man, looking at his very first sex of his life. In truth, I was probably gawking at her. She smiled and lifted her finger. Come here is what it was saying to me so I stepped closer and closer until I was standing over her, over her sexy body. I felt tingling I hadn't felt in decades. Wow, I thought, is she or is her body doing this to me? It had to be because some days we dress together all the time and never had she made me feel the way I did.

So with that, I lunged into her and kissed her body while holding her, passionately. She held me tight. She held me close as well. We were like two royalty careening and creating friction like never before. If there'd been gasoline around, I think it would have ignited actually. How she came on to me and how I came on to her was so much different but I loved all of it and before I knew it, her hand was in between us. She felt it, caressed it, and she wrapped her hand around my cock even though my boxers were still on.

"Ohhh" I heard myself say. It felt nice, really nice.

"Yeah"ohhh is right baby" she began to say. "And there'll be a lot more of them tonight too" she added.

Really, I thought. You mean"I'm getting a lot of this tonight? 25 years and never before had we done anything as"as"as solicitous? That's what was rolling through my head. I didn't care. It didn't matter. This was the only woman I'd ever loved throughout my life.

Her hands swam around to the back. They slipped over me, all over me in the back. I pulled her closer as we kissed. My hands, as they rubbed her back and her hair, felt the softness of her body, and her hair too. I told myself why have affairs of any kind when the only woman I want is against me and kissing me right now. Her smallish boobs, they felt bigger and braver then they'd ever felt that night.

"Touch me" she whispered. But I am I told myself. I am touching you. "Feel my breasts" she said in a soft affectionate tone. And finally I got it. I brought them back around as I slowed and stopped my kissing her. We looked into the other's eyes. She was seeking something and what it was she sought, I don't know, but I found myself or more to the point, my hands, reeling towards her tits. "Mmmmmm" I heard her say as her head rose up. Her eyes began to stare towards the ceiling as her chest gave way to my hands. "Yes, that's what I like honey" Feel me"like that. Uhhh ohhhhhhh, yeah" she said. Her voice became louder as she got more aggressive as the moments moved forward.

"May I?" I said to her.

I'd been looking at it, at her" her piece and from that moment I had no idea what it was called, but it was definitely tantalizing to me. It highlighted her curvy hips and her tits looked larger then life, although I knew they weren't. She smiled. She made sure I saw her smiling too. It was as though she knew what I wanted or what we both wanted. It was her way of telling me "It is time."

I untied it from the back. It drooped. So did her tits. Mmmmm saggy tits, right? Not pert, not young and brash like one of our daughters, but she had a body indefinable by nature in these parts, I thought. And when it came off, all the way off, I immediately leaned over and I kissed a hip" Something I never do to her.

"Wow, now that's different" she told me lovingly.

"They are some of the greatest hips in the country, you know" They are" I said.

"You mean that?" she said.

Once I stood up, I looked her in the eyes. I nodded. My eyes didn't move. I meant it. Hers were some of the nicest, firmest, and most well defined curves for a woman at her age I told her. And as I told her, I looked her in the face. I was honest as ever. But then old fashioned love making took over. I grabbed her boob with both hands. I took it gently and laid a swarming kiss across it as I swallowed her nipple all the way into my mouth. Chewing it with my molars, I had her squeal and howling quietly. Her knees bent. She almost fell as I grabbed hold of her and we went to bed. Naked, I laid her down.

Her boobs, unbeknownst to me, were right in view of two of the three cameras that had been set up in our room. I kissed and sucked and even licked them some more. Before I knew it, she was off the bed as her back arched and she was squealing again and again. Was this my wife, I had asked myself. Was it, I wondered. She grabbed hold of my face. She pulled me up again. We kissed as our bodies rubbed against one another. I was harder, and hornier, then I ever remember being. I wanted to be inside my wife. I wanted to get off on her"better yet, in her. I told her too.

"May I go inside you? I'm you know, hornier then a bull" I told her.

Her answer was "I know. You're doing" Ohhh fuck yeah" and went on to add "oh god yeah" You're doing"great"baby"great!" Then she whispered right into my ear. "Fuck me baby" Fuck me...hard!"

And so I did. We went at it, both of us. Me inside and her on top, so to speak" As I went into her, she slipped her fingers over her hole and massaged herself as I plunged into her and watched her enjoy our lovemaking. I know I did and it looked like she was too. We were having fun or at least at that time, I was. Before I knew it we had changed positions. This, that, and other ways due to her wanting to do things a little differently, I fucked my wife in ways we never fucked such as sideways, from behind, and each position we made love from was tremendous. Finally, I came and I came on her, not in her. That was the best part of it all. I had always wanted to cum on her and not inside her. I had that chance that night. It was awesome as hell to me.

Once it was all done, I lay behind her and held her closely. We talked about everything. We were breathing hard but the whole night was perfect. I thought so. She finally turned over and looked at me.

"Wanna do this with other people some day?" she said.

"What"and screw up what we have?"

"Yeah" Do it differently. I will always love you." She shrugged her shoulders as she looked me square in the eyes. "Always" she went on to add, "but I wanna try other"you know"people. Wouldn't you?"

I lay there looking at her. Finally, as time slipped on I began to smile, and at that point my wife knew it was a done deal. She was going to be able to have sex with other men. I'd get to have sex with other women, if I wanted to. But it would have to be approved by the other parties in our case.

"So honey" I said. I had finally figured it out. "Where'd they place the cameras at?"

"Huh, what are you talking about?" she said.

She winked. We laughed. We had more sex and more then normal.