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The Intro To Injaculation – Non-Ejaculative Orgasm

The Intro To Injaculation – Non-Ejaculative Orgasm

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Barbara Santini
Written by:
Barbara Santini
Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor
Veronika Matutyte
Medically Reviewed by:
Veronika Matutyte
Medical Doctor
Katie Lasson
Fact Checked by:
Katie Lasson
Sex and Relationship Adviser
🌟 Key Points from the Article 🌟

✨ Discover the secrets to non-ejaculative orgasm (Injaculation)!

💡 This practice can lead to a new level of pleasure, focusing on energy rather than release.

🧘‍♂️ It requires practice and awareness of your body's sensations.

💖 Enjoy intimacy without the pressure of ejaculation, embracing longer, more intense sessions.

🎯 Key takeaway: The art of Injaculation may just redefine your idea of pleasure!

🔑 Key Advice and Tips from Our Experts 🔑

🎉 Start slow – this is all about tuning into your body’s rhythms and sensations.

💡 Don’t rush – the longer you practice, the better the results!

🌱 Keep communication open with your partner – this is about shared experience!

🚀 Explore different techniques and see what works best for you.

Did you know that men too can have multiple orgasms in one session like women? Yes, they can also experience it for longer, over one minute. Do you know how? Well, let's find out.

Mostly, orgasm and ejaculation are terms used interchangeably. However, they're not the same. You can potentially learn how to orgasm and not ejaculate. This is called semen retention. Before realizing this magic, most people that it bored wondered how ladies can get off several times in a single-sex session with orgasms lasting for 10 seconds and more. On the other hand, guys mainly sneeze some white crotch for five seconds, and that's it. One goes to sleep next, only for some people to realize later how to go about the science behind it. Please read on to learn more.

Defining injaculation

Injaculation is a sexual process that involves semen retention. This means that a person avoids ejaculation. It's done in various ways, including sexual abstinence. Traditionally, it meant learning how to reach orgasm without ejaculation. It's also called 'dry orgasm'. It's a fun practice unknown by many except for knowing that they happen simultaneously. These two terms are used separately in biology, and each can occur in the absence of the other. Additionally, you don't have to abstain to retain semen. Men acquire multi orgasms from it by avoiding the refractory period or shortening it. It leads to longer sex duration, which is an advantage to most couples that differ in reaching the climax due to the time taken by each.

Understanding injculation process

The idea behind this technique is easy; you should start by getting this point between your legs. Then, be timely and press it at the moment you're ejaculating. As termed by many, the million-dollar spot is at the perineum- the area between the scrotum and anus. It's where the tube connecting the urethra to the testicles and cock passes through. Correctly pressing this part can help achieve orgasm without releasing semen. Combining this pressure and orgasm offers extremely powerful pleasure. But, what happens to the semen produced?

The semen is thought to be redirected in various ways depending on who you ask. For instance, western medical professionals say that this method redirects semen to the bladder and not the penis as would have happened when allowed to ejaculate. Other sexologists claim that if it happens as stated by the experts, the technique was properly performed. They further add that doing it right pushes your semen back to the prostate, and everything else is retained. That means your next urination should carry clear urine, but cloudy excretion means semen in the bladder caused by pressure application to the duct.

Injaculation benefits

Mainly, people practice semen retention to maintain an erect penis after reaching the crescendo. This gives a chance for more orgasms, and your partner enjoys a more pleasurable duration. The penis usually undergoes a refractory period whereby it can no longer be erect after ejaculation. However, it's not the same case in a dry orgasm. For individuals wishing to conceive, this method can be handy through retaining semen for some time and waiting for the release in the next session. It's because short abstinence periods contribute greatly to higher sperm count in future ejaculation. Other benefits are listed below.

  • High chances of multiple orgasms- Injaculation can lead to more orgasms in one instance since it may provide several non-ejaculatory orgasms with a refractory period.
  • Better sperm quality- one can produce more sperm with more speed in the future release.
  • Enhanced sexual stamina- lack of quick ejaculation can offer the ability for a longer sex duration than normal.
  • Increased self-control and awareness- As a result of learning the injaculation technique, you can orgasm without cumming.
  • More powerful life force energy- In mindfulness practices, it’s believed that semen retention has some energetic gains. 

Injaculation effects on testosterone

Some sources rumor that retaining semen expresses complete abstinence resulting in an increased testosterone amount. In one study, findings revealed that an increase in male serum testosterone read 146% of the former level after abstaining for a week. Another research noted improved testosterone levels after three weeks of abstinence. However, Doctors Carruba and Aragona, family medicine specialists at Prescription Doctor, doubt this idea of semen retention raising testosterone levels. They said those are small studies, thus one can question the validity. Also, there's little evidence backing it up. They also advised that the individuals interested should go ahead, but ensure the practice is safe always.

Are there risks and side effects involved?

Retaining semen has no known risks so far. Nevertheless, it could pose some danger when it occurs involuntarily. You may undergo stress, extended prostate, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues. Suppose you experience it, it's best to contact a specialist to confirm any underlying health problems. Another usual thing is a potential lack of pregnancy in case you're trying to conceive.

Some individuals use this method to prevent sexually transmitted infections, whereas others apply it as a birth control form. But, professionals discourage such intentions. They advise that ejaculation control can be challenging, and preseminal fluid that comes before ejaculation can cause pregnancy. They also say that it's only wise to practice sex with extra contraception methods because of the difficulty in predicting if a man would experience a dry orgasm or not. What if there are traces that you won't see?

The bottom line

Some people closely and interchangeably use male orgasm and ejaculation. But, they mean two different things. You can orgasm and not ejaculate. People don't know that mastery of the two through your control can get you to a new pleasurable world that might change your sex life forever. You only need to identify the spot and timely apply pressure to retain your semen and maintain the erection for more orgasms. So far, it can be termed a safe practice since no risks are involved. Other benefits include attaining multiple orgasms and enhanced chances of longer sex sessions that can satisfy your partner sexually.

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