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Avoiding Awkwardness: Is It Okay For Your Dog To Watch You Have Sex?

Avoiding Awkwardness: Is It Okay For Your Dog To Watch You Have Sex?

Content Verification

Barbara Santini
Written by:
Barbara Santini
Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor
Veronika Matutyte
Medically Reviewed by:
Veronika Matutyte
Medical Doctor
Katie Lasson
Fact Checked by:
Katie Lasson
Sex and Relationship Adviser

📝 Article Summary 📝

Ready for a quick round-up? Here’s the gist:

  • 👀 Dogs are curious, but are they *really* watching?
  • 🚶‍♂️ Avoid awkwardness by setting clear boundaries with your pet!
  • ❤️ Communication is key – not just with your partner, but your furry friend too.
  • 📅 Make sure to schedule "private" time when your dog isn’t lurking around.

Stay chill, and don't stress – it’s all about finding a balance between affection for your pet and intimacy with your partner. 🐾

💡 Key Advice and Tips from Our Experts 💡

Our experts recommend:

  • 🏠 Create a "no pets allowed" zone during intimate moments. Your dog might be curious, but respect the privacy boundary!
  • 🎵 Keep your dog busy with toys, treats, or a comfy bed. It'll help them relax while you enjoy your personal time.
  • 🛑 Don’t make it a taboo – dogs are just curious beings. A little attention before and after will keep them content.

So there you have it! Pets can be part of the family, but your intimate time is yours to own. 😉

Do you go kinky with your dog in the room? For most, this unnecessary canine attention could be creepy, but dog professionals think otherwise. For starters, having your dog watch you have sex might seem far from this world, but the dog can sense an elevated level of action and emotion. This may elicit a barking reaction from the dog as a response to the unusual activity, but that is as far as it can go. So, how awkward can it get when your dog backs while you are in the middle of the act? Does that freak you out?

Not all the time, but veterinary experts have tried to explore whether or not it is okay for your dog to watch you have sex. You visit forums such as Reddit, and you will be surprised by what people say. One lady, for instance, said she doesn't mind having her puppy watch her in the act while responding to this question. She went further and said that one time her dog offered her a sex toy while at it. That said, let's explore whether or not this act should freak you out.

Do Dogs Understand sex?

Is it OK to have sex in front of your dog? The question of whether dogs have a clue about sex is hard to fathom. Even the National Science Foundation would struggle to give anything concrete. While many relate to puppies as man’s closest friend, limited information can help us point to a specific response. But dog trainers and experts can give us insight into a dog’s understanding of sex.

First, dogs are clever at reading human emotions. During sex, the enhanced level of attention, embracing, and dogs can easily detect the overall emotional roller coaster. In the same way, they back when couples embrace in a casual setting, they too respond when you are fully naked. Besides, they can sense when you are affectionate towards other people, animals, or other dogs. Therefore, on this evidence, you can be fairly sure your puppy understands when you get between the sheets.

Is It Awkward?

This question requires a rather subjective answer because what you think may not be for other people. In an online survey conducted by Backpost, more than 70% of dog owners said they have no problem letting their dogs watch them have sex, with many being open to it as long as the dog wasn't being disruptive to their proceedings.

Other participants said they noticed peeping behavior in their dogs. However, no specific breed of the dog was inferred to be more likely to peep. Researchers also pointed out that dog owners who allowed their pets to sleep in the bedroom were more likely to notice this behavior, mainly because dogs are super sensitive to motion and could pay attention to your bedroom's action.

A dog can notice when you pay attention to someone else other than them. With this evidence, they will notice the bedroom fracas and be keen to understand what's happening. They can tell that you are getting intimate, which might feel awkward for some, but, after all, what can they do? Besides, unless it becomes disruptive or aggressive towards a couple's sex, most think letting your dog watch the action is not a big deal. No one can tell for sure what the dog is thinking, and as far as its mental ability is concerned, we don't know whether the dog can intellectualize that you are naked and getting steamy.

How to Go About It

Another face to this could be that you see the awkwardness, but your partner doesn't. Sex is best done with consent from both parties, which is why you should find common ground before getting down. Regardless, let's explore some tips to ensure the dog doesn't become disruptive while having a special time with your partner.


This is always almost certain to ease matters, regardless of their weight, in relationships. Communication is key for sexual relationships. Understand your partner's boundaries and identify what they feel comfortable with. Similarly, you have to express your desires to them and find common ground where everyone can consider their partner's needs.

Seek Consent

Not everyone is a dog person. Some would rather have a ferret or cat watch them. That said, don't assume your love interest would be at ease having sex with you while your dog lies on the bed. Moreover, while the dog might not be physically disruptive, there is something to having sex while your pet is sleeping on the pillow.

Therefore, be sure to seek consent to establish that your partner is comfortable with it. If they can't get into the mood with it lying by the bedside, you should consider kenneling him up. The bottom line is to respect their boundaries concerning pets.

Confine Your Dog

The simple act of confining or keeping your dog supervised can help you get a lot along the way. Everyone loves their dogs, but there are certain things you may not need their assistance with. Moreover, everyone wants the best for their dog, but you can’t always be there or create enough time to supervise them, not least when sex is on your mind. If you want to get into the mood, do yourself a favor and confine your dog.

Don't Let the Dog Get in The Way.

It is not uncommon for people to use a dog's presence as an excuse not to have sex. Some say they love their dogs too much and wouldn't go as far as kicking them out of their bed. Others say their dogs get upset when attention is shifted. Therefore, what you decide to do while your dog is watching is all about personal preference.

The Bottom Line

Do you fancy having sex with your dog watching? Well, random surveys on platforms such as Reddit and Backpost have revealed that over 70% think it is totally fine, as long as the dog isn't aggressive or disruptive to what's going on. Others consider it creepy and would rather confine their dogs outside the bedroom before getting between the sheets. Regardless, of the reason why your dog is watching you have sex no one can be sure that a dog is intelligent enough to understand human sexual activity. What is known is that it can tell when you are showing affection to another person or dog. However, the question of awkwardness depends on individual perception.

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