Preparing for sex is not as easy as it sounds. Perhaps you need to shower or change your bed sheet, but what's important is to prepare ways to breathe to heighten sensations.
There are many ways we can increase our sexual pleasure. Introducing sexual moisturizers and sex toys, watching adult films with your partner, finding strange but exciting places to have sex, and reading erotica in our sex life are immediate ways to explore new sexual acts and improve sex life.
Our minds and body are the most viable sexual assets we have. Therefore, we can try many different trips and tricks, such as controlling our breathing, when we want to improve our sexual performance in the bedroom.
Anytime we are involved in any physical activity, from lifting heavy loads to walking upstairs, we need to take some breath. Sex becomes a good optional physical activity, and a problem is only realized when we are trying to strain, finding ourselves holding our breath. While trying to lift weights or during sex, we don't often get an efficient breath. Therefore, our body won’t be able to work the way it’s expected to.
Professional weightlifters or boxers normally inhale and exhale with a lot of effort. They train and condition their body to use their breathing to control their body muscles. We can all support that the same is similarly true regarding sex.
The most important part is that one must not be a tantra practitioner or even a fitness fanatic to do it (but if you had gone through yoga lessons, you are already more advantageous). Learn how to use your breathing to help you enjoy a better euphoria while having sex.
Importance of Breathing Exercises
Frequently controlled breathing comes with very many benefits.
Helps in Overcoming Resistance
Synchronizing breathing with the body can help with the difficulties experienced during anal sex and ensure it is more comfortable and easier.
It Prolongs Sex
When you hold your breath, the amount of oxygen that reaches the muscles that the body often uses begins to reduce, and you become more tired. The energy level of both you and your partner will go down, her arousal will reduce, and his erection will become soft. As a result, sex will quickly come to an end. For these reasons, controlling your breathing becomes an important exercise as it prolongs sex, delays orgasms, makes the erection harder and for longer, intensifying your climax.
It Helps You Get High
Taking a deeper breath during sex gives the euphoria sensation. Therefore, when you breathe more, you feel better, and sex becomes even much better when you feel better.
How to Manage Breathing Exercises
Breath Long and Deep
In yoga, you will get instructions to breathe from your abdomen with your stomach muscles to help you pull air into your body. This breathing method may not be as simple as it sounds. It requires some practice, though it's good not only for your sex life but for daily activities.
Synchronize Breathing
During sex, making an effort to ensure your breathing patterns match is a good type of exercise during intimacy. Counting seconds during sex may not sound sexy, but a good pattern is when we slowly inhale for five seconds, then spend only three seconds holding our breath, exhale for at least eight seconds, then after breathing out, you pause for a couple of seconds. It may not be realistic to ensure the pattern remains consistent while making love though it's a very good guideline. Moreover, while trying to match your body patterns with your partners, both of you will have your bodies synchronized.
Slow Down
When you feel close to orgasm, try and slow down your breathing, then surf the sensations. You will notice that your breathing will directly influence and control your climax. Normally, your breathing tends to be shorter and faster when almost orgasming. Some people will even try to hold their breath. Therefore, the secret to orgasm control is being able to notice when this will happen and then breathe slow. This approach, known as edging, will help delay orgasm and cause a satisfying climax.
Breathing Exercises for Better Sex
Several breathing exercises can increase our sensation during sex. Here are a few that we need to learn about.
Use Your Muscles
The pelvic floor helps in maintaining a deeper breath. It has some muscles between the pubic bone and the tailbone, linked to the core, and usually contract during orgasms. To differentiate the two forms of breathing, concentrate on the sounds you make during sex. You groan or moan during a deeper breath compared to high-pitched yips.
Breathe in Your Body
It's recommendable that you take a deeper breathe during sex while having your focus on your genitals to enhance pleasure. Moreover, this will increase your sensation and help you experience orgasms.
Get Nosey
Breathing only through your nose brings in more oxygen, unlike breathing via the mouth, which engages the pelvic floor and core. This is the right way to begin the game.
Stay Calm
Generally, less stress is a great way of improving intimate, fulfilling, and exciting sex. Deep breathing can help you stay calm simply because it’s related to the reflex muscles responsible for digesting and rest response.
Practice Repeatedly on Your Own
Frequently breathing practice while engaging in different exercises helps you achieve a patterned experience. For example, do some yoga before getting in the bedroom to make love with your partner. Prepare your pelvic floor to heighten sensation during sex.