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You have probably read about erotic literature in the past, but have you or your Partner tried erotic sex games? The modern-day erotic games are steamy, engaging, sultry, orgasmic, and could be what you need to shuffle your foreplay. If you thought the days of playing board and card games were behind you, think it over. Erotic sex games are rated and designed to inject more fun into a couple's bedroom. Here is your buying guide to erotic sex games for couples.

Erotic games are increasingly sought after, not only because they induce fun into a couple's sex play, but because they are addictive, and you wouldn't fault anyone for their obsession. Currently, many genres of erotic games exist on the market, and all are guaranteed to break a sweat and offer the ultimate satisfaction. Playing sex games has proven to be an extremely effective way to turn on couples. Certain manufacturers design card and twister games to enhance foreplay, where players confess to naughty actions, while others are adult classics with naught elements to get couples into the mood. Unlike going out to the games arcade, erotic sex games require you to stay put with your Partner in the comfort of your bed or couch. These games can be as exciting as it gets because you get the opportunity to showcase your naughty side and laugh your ass off with your Partner. Most importantly, you get to have some hot sex to wrap up a fun session. If you are an enthusiast, here is your guide to erotic sex games.

What Are Erotic Sex Games?

Lankoski et al. (2022) explained that erotic sex games are adult board games, card games, or a roster of adult-themed instructions depicting sex, nudity, and adult sex play. The actions depicted in erotic games are extremely graphic and are designed to enhance foreplay and bedroom play via mental naughtiness. Kansky J. (2018) explained that adult games help build trust between partners, strengthen relationships, enhance passion, and deepen intimacy.

Modern-day hot sex games range from fun twists like Twister to old classics like erotic card games. At its core, an erotic game is pretty much foreplay on its own because the actions undertaken by the participants turn them on. In a Twister sex game, for example, any loss in the game requires the player to take off a piece of clothing. Repeat actions mean they will eventually be naked and must pleasure the winner.

Types of Erotic Sex Games

Sex Board Games for Couples

Looking for some erotic board games to play with your Partner at home? Well, many variations of classic board games exist on the market, and you can take advantage of them to inject much-needed fun into your bedroom play. Examples of such games include Loopy, truth or dare, I dare you, and many more. Deen & Muijres (2021) explained that these games elicit stimulating conversations between you and your Partner, both erotically and romantically.

Roleplay Erotic Games

Role-playing is one of the most effective ways couples can heat things in the bedroom for a change. Better still, most role play games come with instructions to take up actions such as dressing up and mimicking characters. Talking of dressing up, what's more exciting than putting on costumes? Some of the most popular and intimacy-enhancing role play games include The Kissing Dice and the Fifty Shades of Gray.

DIY Erotic Sex Games

Are you looking for a dirty flirtation and simulation 3D porn game? Not all erotic sex games are designed as card games; some can be played online on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. A DIY sex game like Jerk Dolls is online-based and allows the players to create realistic sex dolls from a random selection of shapes. They are limitless, and you can do anything with them.

Further, you can opt to play different categories like hard-core, romance, and generally extreme stuff. You can choose boobs, ass shapes, pussy, and anything you prefer and create realistic sex dolls of your liking – all in 3D.

Seductive Storytelling Sex Games

Unlike the usual settings of a story, you would be surprised how steamy a classic round of storytelling can become. Whether a group or a couple, you must set a timer for, say, 5 minutes, and all participants must come up with a hot story. Alternatively, you can read sex stories to each other. Sex therapists allude to the fact that reading sex stories or novel sexy scenes is a real turn-on. As such, participants can get the opportunity to expand their horizons in terms of sex acts.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Erotic Sex Games

Price of The Game

Lankoski & Dymek (2020) stated that an individual could buy not all sex games from the store; others require the user to register online and pay for a subscription after the trial period elapses.

The Game Type

Whether you are a couple or a group, opt for a game that suits the setting. For couples, a classic card or the Kiss Dice can work wonders. Seductive storytelling is ideal for a group setting.

Duration of The Game

Pallavicini et al. (2018) explained that erotic sex games require different time duration to elicit the desired effect. Overall, you can play for as long as you want, but the duration is often determined by the type of game and how long participants can hold out during foreplay.

How to Play Erotic Sex Games

Relationships can hit snug and become boring due to monotony, requiring something to shuffle up intimacy. According to Farrel & Farrel (2017), erotic card games can help liven up foreplay, spice up the romance, and bring couples closer. You don't have to play erotic games every day. They are best served on vital occasions such as Valentine's Day or anniversaries. Below are tips to help you plan adequately:

  • Mark Your Calendar.
  • Obtain your erotic game from an adult-themed store near you.
  • Some games may need proper preparation, including lighting candles and serving wines and champagnes to get the mood right.
  • Match your erotic game to your intimate plans for the day.

Safety When Playing Erotic Sex Games

Katehakis (2017) explained that practicing safety when playing erotic sex games will make you have pleasurable and consensual fun with your Partner. Safety is the hallmark of a great sex experience in whatever games you choose to play. It does matter if you play with your Partner or a stranger during casual sex. It is always important to take care of each other so that you leave each other in harmony as when you started the play. Any erotic games must follow these principles, whether they are games are not. So, even if you are not playing erotic sex games, they will guide you.

Herbenick et al. (2022) explained that erotic sex games are usually played by adults who want to engage in sexual activities without hiding anything. So, there is always honesty, trust, and clarity between partners who want to engage in erotic sex games. The games begin with, proceeds with, and end with safety so that no grudge is held between these partners. The tools and principles outlined in this section will help you prepare for your erotic sex gameplay and gain pleasure from the erotic games to ensure that anyone participating in the game is safe and has a consensual and pleasurable sex experience.

Communicating with your partners during erotic plays is good for establishing the boundaries and edge of the play. It is a common principle whether the play is an erotic sex game or any other sexual encounter. The boundaries you set do not limit the partners to what they do during the session, but individuals can't cross some safety tips. Knowing the rules, guidelines, and norms brings partners of the erotic sex games together, and that will enable them to gin much.

Whether the erotic play you decide to play involves having sex or not, the rules and principles discussed in this section are important to guarantee that all participants are safe during and at the end of the session. Let’s outline some ways to play safe erotic games to encourage deeper exploration and collaboration between partners.

The Four Cs of Safe Erotic Sex Games.

When you and your Partner or other participants have agreed to participate in erotic sex games, approach your session keeping in mind that you are taking custody of your experience and that of your partners or other participants. Having this attitude before having an erotic sex game helps you develop the best mindset to play the game according to the following safe Cs:

  • Consent
  • Communication
  • Calibration and
  • Check-In.

Trammell (2020) explained that playing erotic sex games with others is guided by trust between every participant in the crew. The trust we refer to in this scenario is established and developed by the four Cs mentioned above – consent, communication, calibration, and Check-In. When all these factors are presented and properly executed, trust is established, and both partners feel safe and lest down their guard against each other. When that happens, you will experience mind-blowing pleasure and have great fun during the session. Feeling safe will also spike your spirits of collaboration and cooperation, meaning you will give it your all so that all of you can benefit from the erotic sex game you are playing.


It is the foundation of playing erotic sex games. Calibration, checking in, and communication are the supporting tools that lead to consent between the partners and participants. If there is no consent between partners, there will be no erotic game to play.

Pozo (2018) explained that erotic game players must understand the term consent and how it works. They must operate within boundaries discussed, understood, and agreed upon by all the participants. The following are some features of consent that must be displayed to the crew:

  • Each participant should consent; only sober adults will give their consent about the game.
  • Consent is a sexual act as you ask and decide what parts you want or want to avoid in the play.
  • Consent is verbal; hence, it should be given to an individual verbally.
  • It is enthusiastic, meaning everyone at least has something in mind that they would want to do or attempt.
  • It is informed and specific; it must be clearly defined, discussed, and incremental so that all the parties in the play understand it. It is achieved by being transparent and avoiding conspiring against each other.
  • It is continual; a participant should not withdraw from the play unless it is unavoidable and puts one’s health at risk. An individual must establish a specified opt-out tool, and all the participants must understand it.
  • Consent is permanent; in the erotic play, withdrawing consent means that the play will no longer proceed.


Harviainen & Frank (2018) explained that when having an erotic sex game, the Partner needs to have an open and constant communication route. Participants should discuss the boundaries and all the expectations they expect from the play so that when the play starts, nobody is hanging out. You can’t consent to something you didn’t understand, and hence communication will play an important role in playing erotic sex games. The following are the features of good communication.

  • It should be specific.
  • Every participant should be honest.
  • Communication should be frequent.
  • Partners should be transparent.

What To Talk About in Erotic Sex Games

  • Boundaries
  • Pleasure
  • Discomfort
  • Escalation
  • De-escalation
  • Desires hard stops and
  • Requirements.


It is essential to calibrate your experiences and that of your participants when in any erotic game. It is an important tuning material that makes the session pleasurable, fulfilling, and enjoyable. The following aspects are used for calibration.

  • Red, yellow, and green, and each color represents a certain aspect.
  • Escalation to increase the intensity of the session
  • De-Escalation to reduce the intensity

Checking In

Checking in with your Partner during an erotic play ensures they are safe and comfortable. It involves quick assessments so that you can figure out if there are any problems and if there are, you solve them quickly. The features include

  • Thumbs up
  • Thumbs down
  • Wavering flat hand


Erotic games are increasingly sought after, not only because they induce fun into a couple's sex play, but because they are addictive, and you wouldn't fault anyone for their obsession. Currently, many genres of erotic games exist on the market, and all are guaranteed to break a sweat and offer the ultimate satisfaction. Playing sex games has proven to be an extremely effective way to turn on couples.


Deen, M., & Muijres, E. (2021). 8. Vil du?! A Game for Sexually Abused Children: How Openness Facilitated a Clear Design Direction. Persuasive Gaming in Context, 139.

Farrel, B., & Farrel, P. (2017). Men Are Like Waffles--Women Are Like Spaghetti: Understanding and Delighting in Your Differences. Harvest House Publishers.

Harviainen, J. T., & Frank, K. (2018). Group sex as play: Rules and transgression in shared non-monogamy. Games and Culture13(3), 220-239.

Herbenick, D., Guerra-Reyes, L., Patterson, C., Rosenstock Gonzalez, Y. R., Wagner, C., & Zounlome, N. (2022). “It was scary, but then it was kind of exciting”: Young women’s experiences with choking during sex. Archives of sexual behavior51(2), 1103-1123.

Katehakis, A. (2017). Sexual Fantasy and Adult Attunement: Differentiating Preying from Playing. American Journal of Play9(2), 252-270.

Kansky, J. (2018). What’s love got to do with it? Romantic relationships and well-being. Handbook of well-being. Salt Lake City, UT: DEF Publishers.

Lankoski, P., Apperley, T., & Harviainen, J. T. (2022). Platform-produced Heteronormativity: A Content Analysis of Adult Videogames on Patreon. Games and culture, 15554120221084453.

Lankoski, P., & Dymek, M. (2020). Patreon and porn games: Crowdfunding games, reward categories, and backstage passes. In DiGRA’20. Digital Games Research Association.

Pallavicini, F., Ferrari, A., & Mantovani, F. (2018). Video games for well-being: A systematic review on the application of computer games for cognitive and emotional training in the adult population. Frontiers in psychology9, 2127.

Pozo, T. (2018). Queer games after empathy: Feminism and haptic game design aesthetics from consent to cuteness to the radically soft. Game Studies18(3). Trammell, A. (2020). Torture, play, and the black experience. G| A| M| E Games as Art, Media, Entertainment1(9).