Stimulating the G-Spot is a Great Foreplay Technique
Stimulating the G-Spot is a Great Foreplay Technique
If you can find your partners G-spot, it can be a great way to tease her as a foreplay technique.
But before I get into the meat of this post, let me tell you a little about the famous G-spot. Do you know where the G-Spot found it’s name? It was named after a researcher named Grafenberg, who was the first person to locate it inside a woman’s vagina. The G-Spot is a sentisive area inside the front wall of the vagina, that is between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix. Most women will feel intense pleasure when it’s stimulated, but there are a handful that will not fee anything. When you do find it, you will feel experience like no other. So, that said, let me tell you a couple facts about the G-Spot:
1. All women have a G-Spot.
2. Around 50% find it pleasurable when stimulated.
How Do You Find The G-Spot?
The G-spot is on the top wall of the vagina, around 2 inches inside the vagina. It should feel sort of like the upper ceiling of your mouth.
Foreplay Techniques
- So, insert two fingers into the vagina.
- Once inside, curve your fingers sligthtly towards you and start making small circlular motions. Watch her reactions and you’ll know when you have found it.
(NOTE: different women react to different methods).
- Once you find it, press downward each time your fingers pass across it. You may want to ask her how fast she wants you to go.
It’s different from woman to woman, but some people can even ejaculate when their G-spot is stimulated.
So, that’s a quick crash course on hwo to stimulate the G-spot. Once you become an expert on how to find it, then you can begin to tease her during foreplay. This will make her “extra” excited and should improve your sex experience.