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It is a known fact that premature ejaculation in men exists. What premature ejaculation in women? This is a topic of so much debate. While some claim there is no such thing as premature female ejaculation, others claim it exists. This blog discusses premature female orgasm, its causes, and its treatment. Keep reading!

Having sex is like doing a job-you expecting a reward at the end of the day. The only difference here is when you will be rewarded and the outcome. For a job, an early reward brings joy. The story is different for sex. When you experience an orgasm prematurely, you are more likely to end with thick layers of distress. Premature orgasm in men is something that is not unheard of. You may wonder, what about premature orgasm in women? Although it is not discussed like premature orgasms in men, premature orgasm in women exists. Women have different types of orgasms-anal, G spot, clitoral, nipple, and blended. When they "come" quickly, these orgasms do not make them feel relaxed and satisfied.

What Are Female Premature Orgasms Anyway?

Female premature orgasm or premature orgasm in women is the way it sounds-reaching an orgasm super-fast. It can occur during the warm-up(foreplay) or when the penetrating partner is a few inches into you. Female premature orgasms do not sit well with everybody. Some women feel disappointed after reaching the orgasm earlier than expected. When a woman climaxes too early, their sexual desire falls, making them avoid sex. Men who reach orgasm earlier than expected also feel the same. There are many science-backed ways of reversing the condition.

What causes Premature Orgasm in Women?

Giuliano & Hellstrom (2008) stated that low serotonin levels cause a premature orgasm in males. What you may not know is the cause of premature female orgasms. The following factors cause a premature orgasm.

Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle comes with a lot of hormonal changes. The rise and fall of these hormones impact your sexual desire and the ability to get off. At one point (during ovulation), estrogen and luteinizing hormone levels climb. However, the ovary releases an egg, and the vagina becomes more wet and slippery. Add that to genital sensitivity from the proper blood supply to the pelvis, and a woman can come too quickly at the begging of penetrations.


Antidepressants treat depression and anxiety, as Miller & Hen (2015) noted. They are cool, but they may have sexual side effects. After using antidepressants, men reported ejaculation issues and reduced sexual desire. Antidepressants can also cause sexual dysfunction in women.

Poor Blood Flow to the Vagina

Poor blood flow to the vagina can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease, as Chobanian (2003) revealed. Poor blood flow causes sexual dysfunction in women, resulting in issues including premature female orgasms.

Premature ejaculation in women is an understudied topic. Some women glorify the condition while others condemn it. With limited research on this topic, it can be hard to pinpoint the causes. The above causes are hypothesized.

What Can You do if You Experience Female Premature Ejaculation?

The exact causes of premature female orgasm are still unknown. However, that does not mean you sit down and watch the condition tear your sex life apart. You can do something, especially if a premature female orgasm disappoints you. Here are a few tips that might help.

Masturbate A One Hour Before Sex

Masturbating one hour before the date helps relieve any sexual tension, improving their sexual performance for men. You can also try this trick if you experience premature female orgasms. The main goal is to save your collapsing sex life and relationship.

Try Desensitizing Cream

Since desensitizing creams work for men who experience premature orgasms, why not give it a try if premature female orgasms pin you down? These creams can reduce the genital sensitivity from menstrual cycles, allowing you to control your orgasm. However, you may want to apply a generous amount of creams to avoid numbness, which will surely ruin your lovemaking session. Also, it is worth noting that creams are incompatible with oral sex, especially when applied to the vagina.

Spend Less Time on Foreplay

Foreplay is a fundamental aspect of hot sex. it makes you primed for orgasm, which is a good thing. However, if you fear it can make you come quickly, spend less time there. It may hurt if you like intense foreplay before the penetrative act.

Slow the Pace During Lovemaking

You may further want to slow the pace during lovemaking in foreplay with your partner. Intense lovemaking can make it difficult to control your orgasm, leading to premature ejaculation, Waldinger & Schweitzer (2006) noted.

Avoid or Reduce the Dosage of Certain Antidepressants

Antidepressants, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine inhibitors (SNRIs), are associated with sexual dysfunction. The former boasts the likes of citalopram (Celexa), fluoxetine (Prozac), and escitalopram (Lexapro), while the former include duloxetine (Cymbalta), levomilnacipran (Fetzima) and desvenlafaxine (Khedezla, Pristiq). You may want to reduce the dosage of these antidepressants or avoid them altogether.

Dive into the World of Kegel Exercise

Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, allowing you to control your orgasm. Amazingly, these exercises affect the quality of orgasm. Talk about getting intense orgasms when you are ready to.

The Bottom Line

Although it is not discussed like premature orgasms in men, premature female orgasms can harm your sex life and relationship. Surprisingly, most women don't talk about it. It has resulted in limited research on the topic, making it difficult to pinpoint the causes and ways of reversing the condition. You deserve a great sex life. Although this cannot happen overnight, researchers going deeper into premature female orgasms can be a good start.

Further research on the condition can help pinpoint the causes and the right cures. Women experiencing premature female orgasms can try the simple tricks mentioned above until that happens. The condition is becoming more common, making anything that can reverse it worth trying.


Chobanian, A. V., Bakris, G. L., Black, H. R., Cushman, W. C., Green, L. A., Izzo Jr, J. L., ... & National High Blood Pressure Education Program Coordinating Committee. (2003). Seventh report of the joint national committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure. Hypertension, 42(6), 1206-1252.

Giuliano, F., & Hellstrom, W. J. (2008). The pharmacological treatment of premature ejaculation. BJU international, 102(6), 668-675.

Miller, B. R., & Hen, R. (2015). The current state of the neurogenic theory of depression and anxiety. Current opinion in neurobiology, 30, 51-58.

Waldinger, M. D., & Schweitzer, D. H. (2006). Changing paradigms from a historical DSM-III and DSM-IV view toward an evidence-based definition of premature ejaculation. Part I—the validity of DSM-IV-TR. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 3, 682-692.