How can one know a person is gay? What are some of the characteristics and behaviors that can show one is gay? This article explains ten signs that can clearly show a man is gay.
There is no problem being gay these days. However, not many will come out in fear of rejection and being pushed away by friends and family for particular reasons. However, it is totally fine to be gay in this new age where there are LGBTQ communities. It is often said actions are louder than words. A man might be gay, but there are instances where he will drop his guard, and it will come out clear.
The world is changing rapidly, and individuals should conform to these changes to move on in life. They have evolved from the backwardness of shaming lesbianism and gays to accepting them as people who are just as normal as others are. But there is one problem, someone may not even know that they are gay until a particular point in their life. Your family member or friend might be gay, and you have no idea. The worst scenario is when you fall in love with someone gay, but you miss all the signs. Such cases are common in the movies and shows watched by individuals. You could have saved yourself a lot of tears and heartbreak if you had foreseen it. Here are some signs to put you in the know.
He Resists Teases
It is one of the signs that can go undetected if one is not keen. Guys who are gay have a different reaction to teases from women than the rest. Normally when a woman flirts with a man, the man is likely to smile and pay more attention to her. He would normally respond in a subtle, humorous manner to break the ice. But in the case of a guy who is gay, he will not pay much attention to the guy. Any guy may fail to pay attention due to many reasons. Maybe due to lack of interest but not so much often but to gays, it's a whole other thing; they may ignore the woman so much to change the subject. It is because they are not interested in women but men. One can fail to notice this if they don't follow the pattern of other behavior. He doesn't have any desire for women.
It is normal for guys to turn their heads if a sexy girl walks past them. Shi (2017) explained that some guys are afraid to express their feelings to women no matter how much they may find them attractive. A normal guy is likely to talk about girls with his male friends. Some men don't like to objectify women. But a guy attracted to women will once in a while talk about them, if not most of the time. Notice that a guy who has no interest in women pays as much attention to actions as to words.
He’s Anti-gay
A guy who is gay will do a lot to make sure he is viewed as masculine as possible. The internet has led us to believe that homophobes are secretly gay, which is not right. Francis (2017) noted that a nice characteristic of homophobic is someone who is too quick to point out gay people. This person will even be afraid to associate with issues that may look gay, like hugging men. These men will even go to the extent of marrying and having a family to pulverize the desire to be with another man.
He Loves Gay porn
Okay, there are straight people, both male and female, who once in a while watch gay porn. It is not bad because it is unnecessary to put what people see into practice. If a guy is gay, his search history and sites he has visited will be more than normal. Downing et al. (2017) explained that individuals should be sure that he is the only one who uses their phone or desktop to buy into the idea that he is gay. Otherwise, he may have a friend or relative over at his place that is gay and was busy scrolling through the sites on his desktop.
- Displays strange behavior
Some men are married but have secret relationships outside their marriage. The same behaviors they portray are the same behaviors portrayed by men who have secret gay relationships. Not everyone comes out to the public and declares that he is gay. Though society has changed, not everyone is conformed to this change. Thus, not everyone is exactly comfortable saying this because of fear of rejection. These people will disappear on weekends without a word or fail to meet up with their friends for a night out to satisfy their gay needs.
Protective of Gay Jokes
If you have a group of friends, you make jokes about each other. Sometimes these butt jokes may get too serious, but they are jokes at the end of the day. As men, we never take jokes seriously, and some jokes may be homo-related. If someone gets too defensive about these jokes, this may suggest that he is gay. There are friendly gestures that may imply homosexuality. If these gestures are uncomfortable to someone he completely wants to get out of the situation, the guy might be gay. It is said that men who don't act homosexual once in a while might be gay.
Checks out Other Guys
DeKeseredy & Hall-Sanchez, (2017) explained that women are always annoyed when their man checks out another lady. It is especially if they see the other woman as a potential danger to their relationship. It is okay to have these insecurities, but it is even more worrying if your man checks out other men. You may brush it off as just a normal look, but there is cause for alarm. It is if he checks out the guy and smiles to himself, exactly what you would be doing if you found the guy attractive. It is normal to look at other women as they admire their bodies.
No Sex in Your Relationship
Men are known to be horny most of the time. Just the slightest touch can turn on a man. Suppose you are in a relationship where your man is not interested in sex. In that case, it's either of many things: he is seeing another woman, boredom, performance, anxiety, or maybe he has lost attraction to you. In these cases, if your relationship was doing fine, then suddenly things changed. That is explainable. However, if you have been dating for quite some time, and he is not into the idea of sex, then you can take this as a sign. Even on some nights, if he is not completely into the idea of sex and always finds excuses, then that guy may be gay.
If He Shaves His Butthole
it is rather disturbing to some, but it's the hard truth. Why the hell would a guy even think of shaving his butthole? It is not all about hygiene, but it is very rare for a guy to take time to shave his butthole, the armpits maybe, or even down there once in a while, but never the butthole. If a guy keeps his butthole clean most of the time, this is gay, and other men have already pinned him down.
He Doesn’t Stay in Check
When people get drunk, they might do silly things and blame it on alcohol. The truth is, when you are drunk, your true self comes out. Keep in mind that even when you are drunk, there will still be a part of you that will be sane. If a guy gets drunk, that's when he lets down his guard. If you go out drinking and a guy starts getting rather romantic than bromantic with a guy, you need to be worried. If this guy checks out other guys and gets all too touchy with the guys around him, he might be gay.
A guy may portray either of the signs or any of the signs above. However, don't be quick to call out a guy as gay. There can also be a reason for everything. If you are in a relationship and suspect your man is gay, especially if he doesn't like you touching him, then be worried. You will do some things to a guy that will instantly turn him on, especially if he loves you. But if all your actions are futile and have the characteristics above, don't just call him out. Talk to him about it. Of course, it will be painful and heartbreaking to find out the truth. But it is better than living with a haunch with no proof.
DeKeseredy, W. S., & Hall-Sanchez, A. (2017). Adult pornography and violence against women in the heartland: Results from a rural southeast Ohio study. Violence Against Women, 23(7), 830-849.
Downing, M. J., Schrimshaw, E. W., Scheinmann, R., Antebi-Gruszka, N., & Hirshfield, S. (2017). Sexually explicit media use by sexual identity: A comparative analysis of gay, bisexual, and heterosexual men in the United States. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(6), 1763-1776.
Francis, D. A. (2017). Homophobia and sexuality diversity in South African schools: A review. Journal of LGBT youth, 14(4), 359-379.Shi, F. D. (2017). Coming out of History and Coming Home: Homosexual Identification in Pai Hsien-Yung's:" Crystal Boys". Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), 135-152.