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Does Masturbation Actually Improve Immunity?

Does Masturbation Actually Improve Immunity?

Having a healthy sex life is great for improving the mind and body. For instance, it can ease blood pressure, improve sleep, and reduce stress. Despite the availability of various studies on the values of living a healthy sex life, we’re yet to get one that clarifies whether masturbation benefits are similar to partnered sex. Nevertheless, the safest and most peaceful way to achieve sexual fun is through masturbation. This article seeks to elucidate the claim that masturbating can affect immunity. Read on;

Masturbation affects immunity?

Studies are ongoing, but there's none giving evidence of whether masturbation truly boosts immunity, does it cause muscle loss, or make you have low sperm count. The following preliminary research concluded that there could be a few gains from masturbating;

In 2004, a study discovered that men had a higher amount of white cells after orgasm than before. White blood cells aka leukocytes play an essential role in fighting against parasites, bacteria, and germs in the body. From the study, we can tell that sexual stimulation and orgasm activate the innate immune system. 

A clinical health specialist, Tierney Lorenz PhD, with knowledge on immunity and sexual health states that masturbation influences immunity. But, she says it doesn’t suggest what people mostly assume. Most individuals usually think of immunity as protection from susceptibility to sickness however, the immune system does more than that. For example, it regulates body recovery from wounds, helps heal after periods and exercise, and builds up torn tissue.

The main body part mainly affected in sexual activity, especially among women is the reproductive system. That includes masturbation. More engagement in masturbation and other sexual activity forms gives the body a message to prioritize reproduction. That way, the body’s immune system works towards that priority. It’s actually a bonus gain since the reproductive system has a mechanism that decreases some autoimmune issues.

Comparing masturbation to sex

As said earlier, there’s no research comparing the immune benefits between masturbation and partnered sex. However, Blair Britney, a clinical psychologist notes that sex boosts oxytocin production and improves intimacy between partners. Masturbation, on the other hand, it's demonstrated to produce endocannabinoids, as reported by the Journal of Sexual Medicine. A part of this system carries neurotransmitters that regulate the body. That means the body may have various effects on the immune system following the cannabinoid system stimulation through orgasm. These effects include inflammation and stress reactions.

Individuals can gain more health benefits from frequent orgasms, be it through sex with a partner or solo. For instance, research shows that men who released cum between four to seven times weekly and ages ranging from 20 to 29 reduced their risk of contracting prostate cancer. The study is based on ejaculation through nocturnal emissions, masturbation, and intercourse. There was no similar research on women, but Blair recommend them to masturbate daily. Living a healthy sexual life, either in solo plays or with a partner is honestly wonderful, but doesn't guarantee exactly improving your wellbeing. Experts, however, suggest that you should pick a frequency that comfortably fits you best. It's because there's no specific number of times for engaging in sex. It's individually defined. Therefore, choose what's right for you individually.

Masturbation benefits

What are the benefits of masturbating? Below are some of the positive effects masturbation can bring.

Stress management

Most individuals masturbate to relax and get relief from stress. Studies have suggested

That orgasms are great for releasing a hormone called oxytocin. As a result, it reduces stress levels resulting from the cortisol hormone. As reported by Amy Shah, M. D, a medical doctor, a decrease in stress levels improves the immune system and overall wellbeing.

Enhances sleep

Sleep is essential to the immune working, and masturbating in most may give an advantage. Some self-reported studies and anecdotal evidence state that masturbating can support a person’s sleep. There’s a study by Frontiers in Public Health, which found out that individuals who masturbate following bedtime reported falling asleep faster, whereas others acquired better sleep quality. The study further stated that involving in sexual activity either alone or with a playmate including observing other sleep hygiene techniques generally provides healthy sleeping patterns.

Counts as exercise

Physical activity mainly reduces stress and maintains the general body health, hence easily offering defense against some diseases. While sex alone isn't sufficient to replace the amount of physical activity required for the body's overall wellbeing, some experts say it can only contribute to it.  Another study realized that men's energy expenditure during sex was higher as compared to 30 minutes of them working out. That suggests that they burnt fewer calories in exercise than in sexual activity. Well, masturbating may be less demanding in terms of energy use, but it’s much better than living a sedentary life. That's it may be best to consider masturbation as part of your active rest-activity in your daily schedule.

What supports our immune system?

Apart from masturbation supporting the immune system as seen above, there are other benefits habits for immune development

Creating time for daily activity

Taking immune-boosting supplements

Consuming nutrient-dense foods

Improving your gut health

Making time for daily movement

Staying hydrated

The bottom line

Honestly, masturbation may not necessarily improve your immune system, it can only support its functioning. The act may be great in helping the immune system as it can boost physical activity or sleep, and lower stress levels as discussed above. Of which the three effects directly impact the immune system. But, we really hope that nobody neglects masturbation just because it's not a replacement for various immune-boosting habits. The act is extremely pleasurable and healthy. Additionally, masturbation is safer as it doesn't accompany risks relating to infection spreading as likened to sex with partners. You also will be sure of not hurting others.