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Is Casual Sex Good For You? Well, It Depends…

Is Casual Sex Good For You? Well, It Depends…

Is casual sex good for you? How can casual sex affect you, and what are the benefits of casual sex? This article will discuss casual sex and its risks and benefits.

According to Timmermans & Van den Bulck (2018), casual sex is defined as sexual interactions outside a committed relationship. Often, these interactions occur between people without any expectations of a future romantic relationship. Casual sex may cover sexual and intimate behaviors, including sexual intercourse. In most cases, casual sex only occurs once between partners. Nevertheless, other casual encounters may go on. Long-term casual sex partners are referred to as friends with benefits.

Reasons Why People Engage in Casual Sex

Below are some reasons why people engage in casual sex as explained by Attwood & Smith (2013).

  • To reduce stress.
  • To increase self-confidence.
  • To improve the social status.
  • Trying to get over an ex.

Beliefs and Stereotypes

Many people hold beliefs or stereotypes around casual sex. These beliefs may vary according to culture and ideological backgrounds.

People Who Engage in Casual Sex are Promiscuous

Most people engage in casual sex at some point in life. It may be because they are recovering from a difficult relationship or too focused on personal growth to commit to a long-term relationship.

The availability of birth controls and STI protection has made casual sex much safer. Indulging in casual sex is a personal choice. Nevertheless, people need to practice safe sex.

Casual Sex is Meaningless

Casual sex is temporary, but many people find it meaningful. A study analyzed intimate behaviors around sex. The study suggests that people who engage in casual sex have the same passionate behavior as those in committed relationships.

Sexuality is diverse, and it's evolving. People have different requirements and desires for intimacy, and some find that casual sex can provide meaningful connections.

Females Hold Out for a Male Who Commits

Many women are not holding out for a male partner at all. Research shows that lesbian females are less likely to have casual sex than gay males. Another study suggests this may be because people often sexualize females throughout their lives. Sexualization may cause a pattern of females of any sexual orientation passing on casual sex.

Who Is Having Casual Sex?

People may associate casual sex with teenagers and younger adults, but people can enjoy casual sex at any point throughout their adult life.

An analysis in 2020 suggested that adults over 60 years engage in sexual activity frequently. Research indicates that the number of single young adults having casual sex declines daily. The decline may be due to a decrease in alcohol consumption for younger females. It may also be due to a younger males' decrease in alcohol consumption, computer gaming, and living with their parents. Social distancing measures because of the COVID-19 pandemic may also contribute to the decreasing rates of casual sex.

Is Casual Sex Emotionally and Physically Healthy?

Whether casual sex is emotionally or physically healthy depends on the sexual partners and each situation. Some casual sex experiences may be positive, whereas others may lead to regret.

Benefits of Casual Sex

A review examined an individual's emotional responses to casual sex. Most of the participants reported that their casual sex experience was positive. People were more likely to have a positive experience with casual sex if they avoided taking too much alcohol. Sexual satisfaction also helped improve emotional response to a casual sex encounter. Participants also confirmed to have had a better experience with casual partners if they already knew them. Eisenberg et al. (2009) explained the benefits of casual sex which include:

  • Sexual pleasure.
  • Having fun.
  • Boosting self-confidence.
  • Avoiding a relationship.

Sex outside a committed relationship offers a low-pressure space to explore sexuality. Sexual exploration supports a healthy transition to adulthood. In addition, casual sex can lead to a future relationship. You can move from enjoying a casual experience to feeling sexually attractive.

Risks of Casual Sex

Individuals who have a negative experience with casual sex may have regrets, which was the focus of Buss & Schmitt (2018). The study suggests that males are more likely to regret missing out on an opportunity to have casual sex than females. Another research indicates that females regret casual sex more than males. Here are some of the factors that cause regret after casual sex.

  • Feeling pressure to participate in sexual activities.
  • Not enjoying the sexual encounter.
  • Worrying about negative outcomes.

The risk of getting STIs can also lead to negative emotional and physical health outcomes. Evidence shows that more casual sex may lead to higher risks of STIs due to sexual impulsivity. People looking to engage in casual sex should speak with a doctor about STI prevention strategies.

What to Consider

The health impacts of casual sex depend on the context of each individual's encounter. Indulging in satisfying sex may lead to a positive physical outcome. Negative experiences with casual sex can occur with impulsive acts and sexually incompatible partners.

Sexuality is a fun and fulfilling aspect of life. It is an individual's choice whether they are sexually active, the kind of activities they partake in, when, and with whom. You should practice sexual communication to enhance pleasurable, safe, and fulfilling casual sex.

Casual sex can be disruptive to your relationship if you practice monogamy. Infidelity can threaten your emotional and mental health if you are in a committed relationship. Nevertheless, other relationship structures may embrace casual encounters, and individuals can set these boundaries with the other parties in the relationship.


Casual sex refers to sex that takes place outside a committed relationship. It is emotionally and physically beneficial, depending on the situation. Nevertheless, any sexual encounter can also come with risks. People interested in pursuing casual sex should consider their intimate desires and consult a medical professional regarding the practice of safe sex. With the right preparation and a respectful partner, casual sex can be an enjoyable addition to a healthy and full life.


Attwood, F., & Smith, C. (2013). More sex! Better sex! Sex is fucking brilliant! Sex, sex, sex, SEX. Routledge handbook of leisure studies, 325-342.

Buss, D. M., & Schmitt, D. P. (2018). Mate preferences and their behavioral manifestations.

Eisenberg, M. E., Ackard, D. M., Resnick, M. D., & Neumark‐Sztainer, D. (2009). Casual sex and psychological health among young adults: Is having “friends with benefits” emotionally damaging?. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health41(4), 231-237.Timmermans, E., & Van den Bulck, J. (2018). Casual sexual scripts on the screen: A quantitative content analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior47(5), 1481-1496.