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Okay, But what is a Dry Orgasm?

Okay, But what is a Dry Orgasm?

Okay, But what is a Dry Orgasm?

By Elena Ognivtseva

Orgasms are generally the climax of a sexual activity. For men, it happens. It is medically referred to as ejaculation but on the street, we know it as “cum.” Yeah, that white, thick, salty (for those who taste it) juice that signifies the height of sexual satisfaction. Did you know though, that some men can reach orgasm without actually “cumming”? Yeah, they get the feeling but their partners do not see the evidence, this is Dry Orgasm or “Orgasmic anejaculation” in a nutshell.

For younger men (men below the age of 40), dry orgasm could occur as a result of ejaculation or multiple orgasms, but if this happens in older men, it could be a pointer to retrograde ejaculation or a bigger prostate-related problem. In younger men though, this is supposed to be temporary so a continuous experience of dry orgasm is sufficient reason to visit a doctor.

Major Types of Dry Orgasm

There are various types of Dry orgasm okay maybe not types but if they are grouped according to causes then you’ll have various types.

Dry Orgasm due to Pressure

You're probably wondering what pressure has got to do with climaxing without semen. This is strange especially for none-medical professionals. Well, further explanations will specify the kind of pressure.

Pressure on the urinary pipe can cause delayed or no ejaculation (dry ejaculation). Actually, mounting pressure on the penis during sex can prevent ejaculation but once it is released, it should flow. So. These are two different things; delayed ejaculation is not dry orgasm. If this technique is your usual way of having sex, you need not worry about physical damage to the penis but note that it is not a method of family planning or birth control.

Dry Orgasm from Drug Reaction

Using some medications could cause dry orgasm in a man. Most of these drugs are male contraceptives, which work by weakening the muscles that contract to ensure ejaculation in a man. Other medications that could cause this are drugs for the treatment of mental and psychological disorders, High Blood Pressure, or an Enlarged prostate.

Dry Orgasm due to Surgery or Medical Procedure

Persons who have had surgery on their prostate or bladder. It can also occur as a result of radiotherapy to the pelvis. If this happens, it is an indication that the usual flow of semen through the urethra down to the penis was physically altered during the medical procedure.

Dry Orgasm from Injury

A person who suffers a spinal cord injury or nerve damage after Multiple sclerosis or Diabetes, may also experience Dry Orgasm.

Other Causes of Dry Orgasm

Many random factors can lead to dry orgasm, for instance, masturbation before the age or the reach of puberty, a blocked sperm duct, congenital conditions where there’s no sperm production, obstruction of seminal vesicles, testosterone deficiency, stress, laser prostate surgery, Male hypogonadism, surgery for testicular cancer, genetic reproductive disorder, consumption of Tamsulosin (Flomax), to mention but a few.

Retrograde Ejaculation vs Dry Orgasm

Although these two conditions can occur simultaneously, retrograde ejaculation is not the same as dry orgasm. Having explained dry orgasm, retrograde ejaculation is a medical condition where the neck of the bladder does not close thus, during sexual activity, sperm is released into the bladder rather than through the urethra and out of the penis. Retrograde ejaculation is common among older men (that is, men above the age of 40).

Men who suffer retrograde ejaculation do not release semen upon ejaculation but when they urinate after sex or masturbation, their urine will be clouded with traces of semen.

What to Do

If you experience Dry orgasm, it is really nothing to be shy or worried about, unless you are trying to make babies or it has persisted. If either of the two is your situation, then rather than brood, visit a doctor immediately and explain your situation to him. He will know what to do about it.

He will examine your penis, rectum and testicles. He will also study and test your urine. If traces of semen are found in your urine, then you will most likely be diagnosed of Retrograde Ejaculation, otherwise, Dry Orgasm. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further examination, there is no reason to panic, it is just to make sure.


Sorry if we scared you with all that talk about Dry orgasms, it’s not like it just pops up and remains, as stated earlier, it is caused by certain factors, If it happens, here’s a number of things and medications that curb or solve the experience:

After diagnosis, the Doctor will recommend treatment based on the underlying cause. For this reason, there is no singular cure or treatment procedure for Dry Orgasm. For instance, if your dry Orgasm is as a result of drugs like Flomax, it should stop after you have completed your dosage. If it is due to physical stress or pelvic pressure, sufficient rest and temporary sexual abstinence should fix it. If a mental disorder or a neurological issue causes it, therapy will be recommended.

The doctor may also recommend vibrator therapy; in this case, you can purchase very effective vibrators here. In addition, if you are desperate about having kids, he could recommend vibro-stimulation or electro ejaculation or just extract semen from the testicles for artificial insemination pending the correction of the condition.

In a situation where the Dry Orgasm is as a result of Retrograde Ejaculation, the following medications will most likely pop up on the prescription paper:

  • Phenylephrine Hydrochloride (Vazculep)
  • Decongestant
  • Midodrine
  • Imipramine (Tofranil)
  • Pseudoephedrine
  • Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton)
  • Ephedrine (Akovaz)
  • Brompheniramine


Even though Dry orgasm could happen to anyone, persons who have undergone any procedure that warrants removing the prostate and surrounding organs and persons living with Diabetes are prone to suffer dry orgasm.

There is really nothing to fear if you suffer this condition. There is always a cure for it until doctors say otherwise. If you are too worried, visit a medical professional today.