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11 Legitimate Reasons To Watch Porn

Content Verification

Barbara Santini
Written by:

Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor
Veronika Matutyte
Medically Reviewed by:

Medical Doctor
Katie Lasson
Fact Checked by:

Sex and Relationship Adviser

📜 Key Points 📜

  • 🍑 Watching porn can reduce stress and improve relaxation.
  • 🍑 It encourages a healthy expression of your desires.
  • 🍑 Learning new things from adult content might spice things up!
  • 🍑 It can strengthen relationships by helping partners communicate better.
  • 🍑 It encourages body positivity and self-love.

💡 Key Advice and Tips from Our Experts 💡

  • 💋 Embrace your unique preferences and explore safely.
  • 💋 Communication with your partner is key—don’t be shy to share!
  • 💋 Stay mindful and ensure any content is ethical and respectful.
  • 💋 Respect boundaries and don’t forget to take breaks if needed.
  • 💋 Quality over quantity—enjoy your experiences, don’t rush them.

Porn is mostly stigmatized and often related to erotic characters. Those who watch it are somehow stigmatized directly or indirectly. Having adverse effects on the brain and character of a person, porn is not all that bad. Before judging someone who watches porn, keep in mind that there are valid reasons why they could be doing so and porn is not necessarily linked to behavior.

Some people associate porn and those who consume it with erotic, as Reichert & Lambiase (Eds.). (2013) described. Most people watch porn and to some, it has become a habit. Porn has its pros and cons and too much of it can damage your brain. There is also no doubt that porn gets a lot of things wrong about sex. However, porn is not all bad so don’t just avoid it yet but be careful to limit how much content you consume. Before you are quick to judge someone watching porn, there are legitimate reasons why someone would be doing so. 

To Boost Arousal   

There is no doubt this is the obvious reason for watching porn. Factors such as anxiety, brain fog, and stress might hinder your sex drive negatively. According to McInnes (2003), chronic illnesses may screw up your libido. People have different arousal patterns and some; theirs is just receptive even to seduction from their partners. Considering all these factors, some really hot porn can work wonders to get you in the mood for sex. In addition, porn can also increase your so that you crave sex even more. 

To Get Incentive

Most people like to change the way they have sex after some time. The first thing that always pops up to mind for inspiration is porn. Purcell (2012) stated that porn is the perfect inspiration for a change in the sex scene. The other bit about porn is that you might go for one thing and end up coming up with lots of ideas and motivation.

To Gain Knowledge

 It is advised that you should never learn about sex through watching porn. This is because porn, just like any other movie, is acted and not everything happening is real. Some things may look great on screen but are impractical in reality. According to Nikunen (2007), you can watch porn for new sex techniques and positions but don’t pick up everything you see. Some positions might give you sore legs and get you rather tired. 

To Flood Oneself

Ever heard of the word flood? A rather common word in psychology that means the treatment of phobias and specific anxiety through exposing the patient to whatever they are afraid of in a safe and controlled setting of course. The same idea can apply to people who are afraid of having sex especially anal sex due to the pain involved. Watching porn might boost your confidence to want to indulge in these acts. 

To Rid Hesitations 

Perhaps you are the type of person who wants to try sex toys with your partner but you or your partner is hesitant about them. This is due to maybe the fear, stigma, and intimidation they bring about. Porn can serve well to bring down these walls of hesitation. Consider watching porn with your partner or sending them videos where these toys are incorporated with sex. This way you can win them over and convince them to try that.

To Enhance Mental Health 

Porn can help you in other ways other than sexual stimulation. Watching some good porn will get you aroused and this arousal may come with extra cognitive and emotional benefits. Getting turned on comes with a feeling of happiness. Also note that watching porn motivates you to masturbate which helps with anxiety, and insomnia and also helps reduce stress.

To Entertain Yourself

When in the mood you can watch some porn, not for arousal but for entertainment purposes. It being more vivid than a lot of fantasies it will boost your moods. When just chilling alone or bored you can watch good porn that will set your moods right.

To Quench Curiosity

In the early years, peer pressure played a huge role in our lives. Most people admit that their first time watching porn was because of pressure from their peers. Leave alone that, when a rumor spreads that a celebrity or public figure leaked their sex tapes online, you are more likely to go searching for the tape just to see how he or she fucks.

To Feel Normal

Ever had a kink or fetish? This may seem abnormal like many kinks are. It is also not easy to come out if you have a kink; it takes time before one can get used to and admits their kink. You can work yourself there with porn by simply searching for anything relating to your kink. Seeing other people share in your kink will help you a great deal.

To be a Smart Buyer

If you are a lover of toys or want to try them out porn should be your thing. Since most products can be bought online or maybe you are not sure what to do with porn will help you out. Seeing a toy in action will help you know what to buy and what not to according to your preferences. The beauty of popular porn sites is that you can search for whatever toy you want to see in use. Yes, it is that easy. 

To Express Yourself About Sex  

You might want to try something new but have no idea or find it hard to talk to your partner. There might also be something you want your partner to improve on but you don’t have the courage to face them about it. You can decide to send him a video of people acting how you would like him to act in bed or you can go the extra mile of watching the porn with them. You can do this and suggest that you would like to try that sometime.


When you think about it, watching porn is not all that bad. For whatever your reasons are don’t be afraid to go searching for what you want on those abominable sites after all it is for your good. However, keep in mind that too much of something is poisonous. Too much porn will have an adverse effect on you. Limit the hours you watch porn to suit you best and avoid boredom.


Reichert, T., & Lambiase, J. (Eds.). (2013). Sex in consumer culture: The erotic content of media and marketing. Routledge.

McInnes, R. A. (2003). Chronic illness and sexuality. Medical Journal of Australia179(5), 263-266.

Purcell, N. (2012). Violence and the pornographic imaginary: The politics of sex, gender, and aggression in hardcore pornography. Routledge.

Nikunen, K. (2007). Cosmo girls talk: Blurring boundaries of porn and sex. Pornification, sex and sexuality in media culture. Oxford: Berg, 73-87.

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