Why is it hard for some individuals to get wet? What are some of the reasons that make one so dry during arousal? This article explains why individuals cannot get wet and some solutions for vaginal dryness.
Dryness is caused by reduced estrogen in a woman's body. When estrogen lowers, it reduces the blood floor to the tissue, resulting in vaginal dryness. Dryness happens to any woman at any age. How individuals fix such a situation without knowing the cause is hard. Here are some reasons that can result in vagina dryness.
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause.
According to Inayat et al. (2017), menopause mostly occurs at age 40. But the chemicals people consume have changed the menopause age. It is no longer constant from age 40 and above, but it has lowered from age 20 and above. The estrogen drops when a woman gets to menopause, and the vagina tissues become less elastic, thinner, and dry (Silvestro & Dalton, 2022).
Solution; Therapy and Use of Lube
Talk to your physician to know the real cause of vagina dryness. Hormone therapy tries to restore the lost estrogen. Also, use the appropriate lube to feel the comfort of sex by staying wet for long.
Breastfeeding Mother
Women’s hormones change when pregnant and around delivery. When they breastfeed, they have a high level of prolactin hormone, which triggers milk production. Estrogen is suppressed during this period causing vagina dryness.
Solution; Use Lube
Be friends with lube at this moment. Apply it when you want to get intimate with your partner, as it is safe.
Taking Anovulatory Drugs
According to Momeni et al. (2020), some women take low-dose birth control with low estrogen. Taking this pill interferes with the menstrual cycle by increasing progesterone. Low estrogen in the body will not cause lubrication in the vagina resulting in vagina dryness.
Solution; Seek A Different Birth Control
Look for a doctor ad ask him to give you a different pill like the copper IUD or use a condom during sex.
Some women tend to have some odor and decide to wash the vagina with scented soap, thinking there is a problem in the vagina. Chandra (2022) stated that the vagina is naturally self-cleaning as the odor comes from panties or other external effects. Washing the vagina removes the good bacteria, imbalances the chemicals in your vagina, and causes yeast infection. Douching results in vagina dryness and irritation.
Solution; Stop Douching
Do not worry about washing your vagina. Instead, wash the vulva with a lot of clean water and maintain good hygiene.
Medical Condition
There are some medical conditions that even doctors might not be aware of the side effects or will not let the patient know of the side effect. According to Su et al. (2021), diseases like; Sjogren syndrome cause vagina dryness, dry eyes, and mouth drying out the mucous membrane. Also, women with hypertension have reduced lubrication and orgasm; those with diabetes have reduced vaginal lubrication because of damaged blood vessels.
Solution; Use Vaginal Moisturizers and Treating
The doctor can recommend you a drug that will increase the level of estrogen in your body. Vagina moisturizer will increase the water content in the vagina for better penetration during sex.
Smoking cigarettes and tobacco affect the vagina wetness. Smoking reduces estrogen production in one's body because of the nicotine in cigarettes. Smoking even causes early menopause in smokers. Low production of estrogen leads to vagina dryness.
Solution; Reduce Smoking
Reduce the frequency of smoking little by little until you stop it completely.
The body's lack of water results in dry mouth and skin. When an individual is dehydrated, all the body parts dry, including the vagina.
Solution; Drink Enough Water
Ensure your water intake is worked on. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day. If you find it difficult to take water, eat fruits like watermelon to stay hydrated. Watermelon has high water content.
Under Medication
There are diseases whose medication can affect your vagina dryness, like antidepressants. Dehelean et al. (2020) found that antipsychotics produce a high prolactin level. Its high production leads to the low production of estrogen. If you experience vagina dryness at the start of a specific treatment, it affects.
Solution; Consult A Doctor
Seek advice from the doctor on how to handle such a situation. Try not to stop the medication before consulting a doctor.
Latex Condom Allergy
Companies use latex in manufacturing condoms. When you use a condom for birth control or diseases, you may feel an unusual itching. It might be because of the inability to stay wet to regulate the penetration.
Solution; Stop Using a Latex Condom or Try Another Birth Control
Most condoms are made from latex. Try to switch to latex-free condoms. Or, try to substitute another effective birth control other than using a condom.
It is hard for one to be wet during sex because their minds are far from now. Instead of enjoying the moment, they are uneasy because it is their first time sexually. Some women have been body-shamed until they have lost body confidence. They may become insecure during sex on how their partner will view them with their clothes off.
Solution; Be Confident
Have confidence in your body. Since every individual was created differently, nobody should be afraid of their own body.
Not Spending Time in Foreplay to Be Wet.
Everything needs preparation, and sex is not excluded. Rushing to penetration without making your partner wet is one way to experience vagina dryness. Your partner might not be moody when you want to get intimate.
Solution; Take time in foreplay.
Create the mood using different techniques like sex chatting or watching a romantic movie. Taking time will prepare your partner psychologically, mentally, and emotionally in that by the time you engage in foreplay, it becomes easy for them to get wet.
Yeast Infection
The balance of vagina flora is interrupted because of yeast infection. Having sexual intercourse with an infection causes more itchiness. Your partner will be uncomfortable engaging in sex which will hinder them from being wet.
Solution; Get Treatment.
Seek medication for the yeast infection before engaging in sex.
You are upset
A stressful life will hinder your partner from being present during sex. They might be handling many things in their life with no peace. Stress will affect their sex drive, libido, and vagina wetness.
Solution; Exercise
If you have a rough day, go to the gym or practice at home to refreshen your mind.
van Nimwegen et al. (2020) stated that some tampons cause vagina dryness. Tampons absorb the natural wetness in the vagina instead of soaking up the menstrual flow alone.
Solution; Switch to Light Tampons.
Try to shift from the tampon you are using to a lighter tampon. Alternatively, get used to pads than tampons.
Use Of the Wrong Lube.
Using water-based lube dries faster and causes vagina dryness with your partner. It may force you to reapply again and again. Individuals should know that there are some lubes that cause vagina infection.
Solution; Use the Right Lube.
Find out which lube is good for your partner and does not cause infections.
Vagina dryness is normal in women. Never underestimate yourself or your partner if they experience such. The use of lube can be of great help for all these reasons.
Chandra, A. (2021). Complete SEX Education guide: Recommended by doctors. Ankit Chandra.
Dehelean, L., Romosan, A. M., Papava, I., Bredicean, C. A., Dumitrascu, V., Ursoniu, S., & Romosan, R. S. (2020). Prolactin response to antipsychotics: An inpatient study. PLoS One, 15(2), e0228648.
Inayat, K., Danish, N., & Hassan, L. (2017). Symptoms of menopause in peri and postmenopausal women and their attitude towards them. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad, 29(3), 477-480.
Momeni, Z., Dehghani, A., Fallahzadeh, H., Koohgardi, M., Dafei, M., Hekmatimoghaddam, S. H., & Mohammadi, M. (2020). The impacts of pill contraceptive low-dose on plasma levels of nitric oxide, homocysteine, and lipid profiles in the exposed vs. non-exposed women: as the risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine, 5(1), 1-6.
Silvestro, S., & Dalton, A. (2022). Vaginal dryness: causes, symptoms, treatment. Women's health.
Su, J. Z., Wang, Z., Liu, X. J., Lv, L., & Yu, G. Y. (2021). Use saliva flow rate measurement in minor salivary glands autotransplantation to treat severe dry eye disease. British Journal of Ophthalmology.van Nimwegen, J. F., van der Tuuk, K., Liefers, S. C., Verstappen, G. M., Visser, A., Wijnsma, R. F., ... & Kroese, F. G. (2020). Vaginal dryness in primary Sjögren's syndrome: a histopathological case-control study. Rheumatology, 59(10), 2806-2815.