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Most people wonder if sex is safe during pregnancy. Below are some commonly asked questions about sex while pregnant, including ‘can sex harm a baby?’

Having sex is safe during pregnancy. Just because e a woman is pregnant does not mean that she cannot enjoy sex. However, a pregnant woman may not be interested in having sex for psychological reasons, such as feeling unattractive. She may also worry that the penis may poke the baby during intercourse or that her partner's weight may harm the baby. The following are some of the most asked questions during pregnancy;

Can Sex Harm the Baby?

A pregnant woman needs to discuss with her doctor about her sexual needs. She should find out if she can have sex. Women are normally afraid to have sex because they fear that the penis can poke the baby’s head. The baby is not peeping near the cervix. The baby is in the womb, and the cervix is shut. More so, a big penis cannot reach the baby. Therefore, sex during pregnancy is safe. 

Are Orgasms Dangerous For the Baby?

Some women continue to have orgasms, while some do not. Orgasms usually depend on how we feel about our bodies. However, von SYDOW (1999) explained that orgasms might harm the fetus. 

Can I Get Pregnant When I Am Already Pregnant?

Normally when a woman is pregnant, the ovaries stop releasing eggs, but in rare circumstances, an egg may be released when she is pregnant, and when it meets a sperm, the mother will have two babies in her womb. The releasing of an egg when the woman is already pregnant is known as a superfetation. However, Omo-Aghoja & Zini (2017) claimed that it was a rare occurrence in humans. 

Will Sex Feel Different During Pregnancy?

Sex feels different for everyone. Body changes during pregnancy can make pregnant women uncomfortable. Some women have a sensitive vulva. For others, the physical changes make them more excited. There may be changes in libido as some women may have increased sexual urges. Others may have less sexual desire depending on their hormonal levels. 

Which Sex Positions are Best During Pregnancy?

The baby bump usually determines the most comfortable sex position. Some women experience heartburn, and some positions will make them feel sick. Whichever position a pregnant woman chooses, she should not be in a position that puts no weight on the baby. Lying on the side or when the pregnant partner is on top are two of the most comfortable positions throughout the pregnancy.

Is Oral Sex Safe While Pregnant?

Oral sex is safe during pregnancy as long as she is comfortable, but partners should not blow air into the vagina as this may form an air bubble, and this can be life-threatening to the mother. The air bubble can also affect the development of the fetus if it lands on the placenta. That air bubble can also cause the capillaries to swell. 

Is It Safe To Have Sex During Pregnancy?

Sex during pregnancy is safe. It is also important for the pregnant mother to have sex because it relaxes her mind and ensures that her man does not miss out on sexual intimacy. Some women feel very low during pregnancy due to their body changes, and having sex can make them feel attractive and relaxed. However, sometimes the woman may abstain from having sex when she is undergoing complications, for example, bleeding or if she has ever suffered a miscarriage or threatened miscarriage. For this reason, the doctor may recommend pelvic rest. 

Is It Normal To Have Sexual Interest While Pregnant?

Some women do not enjoy having sex while pregnant because they do not love their pregnant bodies. To enjoy sex, a woman needs to feel sexy. Some pregnant women seem to want to have sex more often than usual. How pregnant women feel towards sex differs from one woman to another because of pregnancy. According to Bartellas et al. (2020), sexual urges decrease during pregnancy.

Is There A Time In Pregnancy When Sex Is Not Safe?

Sex is safe throughout the pregnancy so long as the expectant mother is healthy. She may need to abstain if the doctor gives that recommendation, but if she does not have any complications, she can have sex during her pregnancy. Hormonal levels tend to affect vaginal lubrication during pregnancy for some women, and for that reason, they may need to use lubricants, but there is no time in pregnancy when sex is not safe.

Should I Worry About Bleeding After Sex?

Spotting is normal because blood flow to the genitals increases, but you need to be examined to be safe. While spotting is no cause for alarm, bleeding may need a doctor’s attention to rule out the chances of a miscarriage.  

Are There Any Benefits of Having Sex During Pregnancy?

Sex during pregnancy is important because partners continue to enjoy intimacy. It will help you sleep better and relax. When you enjoy sex, your body releases the hormones responsible for making you feel good and in love, i.e., oxytocin.

Can I Have Sex When the Baby Is Almost Due?

Yes, you can have sex when the baby is almost due. Sex cannot cause a miscarriage. Most women are worried about the orgasms causing a contraction and premature birth. Some worry about the penis poking the baby, but generally, sex cannot harm a baby and is safe even when the baby is almost due. The expectant mother may not want to have sex when the baby is almost due, but if she wants to, it is safe.

Can Sex Cause Labor?

According to Jones, Chan, & Farine (2011), an orgasm causes the uterus to contract, but the contractions are not strong enough to cause labor. However, if the baby is almost due, the contractions might be all the expectant mother needs for labor and might be useful.

Can Having Sex While Pregnant Cause Miscarriage?

Having sex while pregnant can not cause a miscarriage. The amniotic fluid and the uterus protect the baby. The cause of most miscarriages is a baby that is not developing normally. 

How Can I Make Sex More Fun While Pregnant?

You can make sex more fun by communicating with your partner and letting them know how you feel. You can also role-play and use lube if the sex is painful because of less lubrication. You could have some massage for you to relax and change venues. Being pregnant does not mean that your sex life should be dull.

Can I Have Anal Sex While Pregnant?

Anal sex may be safe during pregnancy except when the pregnant mother is facing complications, for example, if she has hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids tend to get larger during pregnancy. They are uncomfortable and can also bleed, making the pregnant mother lose a lot of blood which is dangerous for pregnancy.


Sex during pregnancy is safe. There may be instances where the medical practitioner may advise that the expectant mother abstains, for example, if her cervix is weak or if her pelvic muscles have issues. This is not because sex can cause damage but rather because they do not want to take chances with the expectant mother's life. But if the pregnancy does not have any complications and the mother is in good health, sex during pregnancy is safe.


von SYDOW, K. I. R. S. T. E. N. (1999). Sexuality during pregnancy and after childbirth: a metacontent analysis of 59 studies. Journal of Psychosomatic research47(1), 27-49.

Omo-Aghoja, L. O., & Zini, M. (2017). Superfetation in Humans-Myth or Reality?. Journal of Reproduction and Sexual Health1(1), 1-4.

Bartellas, E., Crane, J. M., Daley, M., Bennett, K. A., & Hutchens, D. (2000). Sexuality and sexual activity in pregnancy. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology107(8), 964-968.Jones, C., Chan, C., & Farine, D. (2011). Sex in pregnancy. Cmaj183(7), 815-818.